"...K... Kris!? Phew..." She mumbled, relieved. "I guess his name's Kris then." Vixen whispered. "Yeah, but who's the purple chick?" Chara whispered back. Vixen shrugged in response. "No idea. But I'm gonna go ahead and assume we'll find out later." She replied. "...Hey, don't scare me like that, dumbass! Unless you WANT to get clocked in the face, heh." Susie said, trying to intimidate Kris. He was unfazed, however.

"...Anyway, enough screwing around.
We gotta find a way outta here." Susie stated, looking around for a minute before looking back to Kris. "Ummm... Where is "here", anyway...?" She asked, before looking around again.
"It doesn't matter! YOU got us into this mess, YOU get us out!" She snapped angrily, before walking behind Kris to follow him. "She's starting remind me of Undyne right now." Chara mumbled.

"Lead the way, Kris!" Susie said, sounding somewhat encouraging. However, that encouragement soon ended, after Kris had only taken eight steps. "Oh my god. Nevermind. You walk WAY too slow." She said impatiently, before she ran on ahead. "She's a LOT like Undyne, actually. Now that you mention it..." Vixen commented, referring back to Chara's earlier statement.

When Kris caught up to Susie, he found her staring up at something on the mountain-like formation that was in front of her. When he steps by her side, she looks over at him. "Hey, Kris. There's someone up there waving at us. Any idea what they want?" She asked, gesturing up at the figure. Vixen and Chara looked at each other in slight concern before looking up, along with everyone else.

Without warning, the mysterious figure begins throwing spade-shaped attacks at the two on the ground, just narrowly missing Susie as she yelped in surprise. "R-Run, Kris!" She yelled, panicking as she ran off. Kris ran after her, dodging the stranger's attacks in the process. "H-Has this ever happened to YOU before?!" Chara asked quickly with her eyes wide, trying not to attract any attention to herself and Vixen, as they flew after Susie and Kris. "N-No! I've never dealt with anything even remotely LIKE this the other times I've been here!" Vixen replied, just as frantically.

Kris ran until he found Susie, who stopped near a slope on a cliff, similar to the one he slid down earlier. He looked around, seeing there was seemingly no easy escape. "Kris, down here!" Susie called, pointing down the long slope before sliding down. Kris, with zero hesitation, followed her lead. And as quickly as they slid down, Vixen and Chara flew after them at the same speed.

As Kris slid down the slope, he had to dodge even more attacks. It was nerve-wracking, to say the least. And the fact that this slope in particular seemed to go on forever didn't exactly help. By the time he reached the bottom, the attacks seemed to finally cease. Again, Susie was nowhere to be seen. Rather than immediately get up and try to find her, Kris decided to stay put for a moment, and catch his breath.

As he did this, the two sisters took this time to calm their racing heartbeats. "Wh... What the hell was that?" Chara asked, breathlessly. "I... I don't know... Again, I've never had to get past anything like that... I also have no idea who that was, either... I mean, the only person that I usually talk to here is Ralsei, and there's really no one else in this area that we know of..." Vixen replied.

"W... Wait, what? Neither of you have any idea who that was?" Chara asked, to which Vixen shook her head. "Nope. Ralsei's the only one in this area. And even if he wasn't, he would've told me by now. And if he doesn't know someone in this particular area, then I sure as hell don't either." She explained.

Eventually, when Kris caught his breath, he got up and went to search for Susie. Vixen quickly noticed this, and turned to Chara. "Well, looks like Kris is back on the move again. We should get going." She pointed out. Chara nodded, agreeing with her wordlessly as they followed Kris from a few feet above and behind. The search for Susie didn't take long as she was just standing in front of a unique looking town.

The Angel of Darkness, And the Demon of Lightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें