When This Is Blown Over

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"John, my love," Freddie said.

John turned his head slowly to look at the singer, afraid of what he was going to hear. There was no need for his fear, though. Despite the outraged look in Freddie's dark eyes, the tone he used when speaking to him was as soft as ever.

"I want you to go find Rog and Bri. Let them keep you company until I come and find you, okay? And, whatever you do, do not come looking for me, alright? I'll be along soon."

John could only nod, relief filling his body even as he was still help in Paul's tight hold. Only a few seconds later, Paul's hands faltered, and John was able to quickly pull his skinny wrists free. His first instinct was to run to Freddie and beg for comfort, but the older man had given him instructions to follow. So, John took off. The bassist ran for it, no direction in mind except away from Paul. Tears blurred his vision as he ran, his feet taking him to the studio while his mind focused on keeping him from hyperventilating.

"Such a shy thing. You understand, don't you, Freddie?" Paul's plan wasn't going the way he had wanted it to. He had intended for John to give in at some point. Whatever John and Freddie shared couldn't have been serious enough for John to not react to Paul's advances. That was what he had thought at least.

Now, his plan was to make Freddie think he and John had been in a relationship the entire time. Freddie would think John was upset because the secret relationship had been found out, not because Paul had forced himself on the bassist. Freddie would be angry, let John go, and then Paul could make his move.

"It's a shame you had to find out this way...I wanted to tell you sooner, you see, but John was so adamant on holding out." Paul's confident smile faltered slightly when he saw Freddie's face. He couldn't describe the emotions he saw on it. He'd never seen Freddie look like that before.

"Find out about what exactly?" Freddie questioned, his voice cold as steel. He took a slow step forward. Paul instinctively took a step back.

"A-About us, of course. It's been going on for a while now. Johnny must have--" Before Paul could finish his sentence, a steady fist hit his face, and he remembered nothing more.

Freddie shook his hand as an aching pain settled over his knuckles. "I've still got it," he told himself with a puff of pride.

The singer had intended to drag out Paul's punishment. Perhaps a black eye for daring to look at his love, a busted lip for daring to kiss his love's lips, and a hit to the gut for good measure. Hearing Paul call John such a ridiculous pet name had driven him over the edge. No one was allowed to be so casual with John except him. Only he could give John nicknames.

Disgusted, Freddie nudged the body on the ground with his foot, brushing it out of the way in case someone wanted to walk through. No way was he moving the twat. Paul didn't deserve the comfort of a bed or a couch after what he had done. Only one person needed to be comforted after that whole ordeal, and Freddie intended on finding him right away.

"O-Oh...Sorry..." John didn't know what else to say. What could you say when you walked in on your mates kissing each other?

Brian was on his knees in front of Roger whilst the blond sat on his drum stool. They seemed to be in the middle of a rather intense snog, but the pair immediately broke apart when John spoke and alerted them to his presence. Brian couldn't even bring himself to look at the other brunet as a dark blush spread across his cheeks. Roger only gave a cocky little grin...until he saw the state John was in.

Roger wasn't known for being observant, but it didn't take a doctor to see the bruises blossoming on John's wrists, his unpleasantly swollen lips, and the tear tracks still making their way down the bassist's face. Roger was on his feet in a second, moving right to the youngest, most sensitive member of their band. John did his best to act normal, but he was still so shaken from what Paul had just done...from what Freddie had just seen him do with another man. John sobbed again, and Roger pulled him in for a tight hug.

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