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Play music*

I'm- We rushed to my office and locked Everything windows doors etc.  we heard screams from close doctors and our past patients. We could hear shuffles in every corner and we could hear the wind outside. It wasn't pleasant. To hear the heavy wind and tress Crashing to eachother

The most creeepy part was the children whispering.
The office was a mess so we turned the lights on probably not the best option. But for a split second to see where evything is

 But for a split second to see where evything  is Kih-

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What is going on . Why is this happening since we got those demons our patients have been acting up and getting more violent.

I'm- I turn the light off leaving Kihyun in the pit black

I'm - not really sure my self but it all happened with my "patient minhyuk he told me about your patient shownu is going to
Kill us all. Sort of a revenge thing  for something we did in the past.

Kih- we  know them?

Operantly so

Jooheon - it's all starting to make sense why would they be our patients and become close to us. that fast when they could have just ripped us to shreds.


We stayed in silent
2 minutes passed
10 minutes passed
Everything went silence  no movement  nothing no people screaming children giggling nothing

All we heard was approaching footsteps  they sounded fainted at first but than they grew louder. And louder and louder

I'm- we all looked at eachother fearing the worst.  the footsteps suddenly stopped in-front of the door. Our door of course olours


We heard keys shuffling


Jooheon screamed but he got cut off i turned around and they were both gone HOW. HOW CAN THEY DISAPPEAR IN A MATTER OF MILL SECONDS.

The door.....  flew open

MINHYUK omg thank god your here what is going on. Before I could celebrate I stoped my self and looked at him. He he it cant be his eyes where red his eyes were yellow?   he just stared at me like I was a piece of meat . MINHYUK I screamed thats all I remember than my vision went black after him approaching me

I woke up in a room I was chained to the wall. It was dark all of the patients were scattered on the floors. To my shock minhyuk was starting at me with blankness in his eyes.  I couldn't speak my mouth was shut I couldn't move I couldn't do anything is this how I'm gonna die what about the others are they Ok. Im still very confused on everything is this really happening? Or I'm dreaming

Minhyuk - OH DEARR I'M OR SHOULD I CALL YOU BY YOUR REAL NAME CHANGKYUN! remember me oh you must it's me. THAT PITIFUL BOY YOU TOOK cARE OF. That boy that u thought u would protect you promised me to never leave my side but you did. Oh you did after that family came you greatly said yes to them you didn't say oh can I take my best friend also BECAUSE WE SAID WE WERE GONNA GET OUT OF THERE TOGETHER. Don't you remember evything we did together HOW DID U FORGET.
Or should I rip your heart out and make you feel more emotion towards me.

I'm - Mmmmmmhhmmmm I started to struggle and try to make noises I'm scared ik this isn't the fried I knew back  than

Oh this is nothing of what I went through baby boy nothing! YOU HEAR ME NOTHING!!

I'm- HMMMMMMMMMNNNNN I kicked and tried to set my self free but it was useless is this it he gave me pitiful look. I had tears in my eyes looking him I wanted to scream . Mihnnmmmmm

I stared at his eyes he didn't even blink he gave me a deep cut from my ear to side ribs

I stared at his eyes he didn't even blink he gave me a deep cut from my ear to side ribs

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My blood covered his face.

Hyungwon-  I thought minhyuk wasn't gonna hurt him because he was a trader and joined him. Guess I was wrong

 Guess I was wrong

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Yuk- hey Hyungwon why don't you mind your own business and go play with your rat instead of sticking your nose on what I'm doing

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Yuk- hey Hyungwon why don't you mind your own business and go play with your rat instead of sticking your nose on what I'm doing.


Sorry for the long wait I had writing block and tell me if you enjoyed it.

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