Home Again Part 4

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***Author's Note: I'm really enjoying this story line...can't you tell. I'm trying to rap it up in two more chapters I may revisit it but that's unlikely after I'm done with it. Also I drew the picture near the bottom so don't hate too hard. And now back to your regularly scheduled programming.***

Kara changed and laid down in bed falling asleep to the sound of Astrid's heartbeat.

Lena knocked on the door the next morning with a bag of food from Noonan's. Kara used her x-ray vision to see her girlfriend on the other side of the door in the sweat pants she loved and an old hoodie.

"It's open," she yelled. Lena let herself in and greeted the pair putting together a puzzle on the coffee table.

"Say hi to Lena, Astrid," Kara told her daughter.

"Hello," Astrid muttered focused on the puzzle. Lena set the food down, pulled out a few paper plates from a cabinet and put some food on them.

"What are we making?" Lena asked walking over with two plates of food.

"This winter scene," Kara said lifting the box top to show her.

"1,000 pieces!? That's a lot," Lena said handing the plates to Kara. Lena went back to the kitchen to get her own plate.

"Thanks for coming over," Kara thanked and began to eat. Astrid was too engrossed in her puzzle to notice the food.

"So," Lena started taking a bite of food and chewing thoughtfully, "Are your powers the same or does she have different ones?"

"Well her dad is from the House of Em and the Artistic Guild. So we're pretty sure she has the same powers that I do but we do know that she's also a telepath and a meta-crafter," Kara told.

"Meta-crafter? What's that?" Lena asked.

"A meta-crafter or omni-forger, Barry and I liked meta-crafter better than all the other options. Astrid can really choose for herself what she wants to call it when she gets older but for now we call it meta-crafting well I guess since I call it meta-crafting she will too-"

"Kara," Lena said snapping Kara out of her ramble.

"Yes? Oh, right sorry. Okay so Astrid can make just about anything out of almost everything...we think," Kara explained.

"You think?" Lena asked taking the conversation further.

"Well since she's so young we really don't know the extent of her powers yet so with time we'll be able to tell what she can really do," Kara said.

"How did you figure her powers out?" Lena asked.

"Well when she was about two Alex and Lauren got married and when we came back to Earth for the wedding we were at Eliza's and she was throwing a fit about a rice krispie treat and then all of a sudden one just appeared. It popped put of no where, it was insane. Barry and I took her back his labs so we could run some tests. We kinda figured out what happened and named the power," Kara told.

"Does she know how to control her powers yet? What did you do when you were on Earth?" Lena questioned.

"Well, she can control some and she has her glasses but after the rice krispie incident Cisco made her a kryptonite bracelet. It's got a very small kryptonite gem in the center and a bismuth band that grows with her. I hate when she wears it but it works and I don't have another way to keep them under control without keeping her locked away," Kara said disappointed.

"What if someone stole the bracelet and made more kryptonite? That could kill you both," Lena said worried.

"Believe me I've thought about all the possible dangers with this thing but I have no other options," Kara explained. Lena began to think, if she could synthesize the part of kryptonite that made kryptonians weak instead of the lethal part then she could make a safer bracelet for Astrid. When the puzzle was done Lena said she was going to head home but she went straight to L-Corp. She went to her office and sent out a mass e-mail for all staff members except a select few to go home for the day she couldn't risk anyone knowing about her secret project. After she was sure everyone had left she went down to her private lab and began the kryptonite making process. She only made enough to separate some of the particles. It took her nine hours of straight work before she got even close to making anything that would work. She stopped working and took a break for a power nap and a snack. She looked at her phone seeing she had a few texts from Kara asking to go on a date the next day, to which she agreed. She confirmed a few details with her girlfriend and went back to work. Somewhere in the wee hours of the morning she'd made a few gems that she thought might work. The radiation from the purple synthetic stones was much weaker on a molecular level. She opened her phone and scrolled through her contacts looking for Clark Kent's number. He picked up on the first ring.

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