Chapter 10

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Toni's POV
We end up going to school in the morning. It took some time to convince Cheryl to go but we did. Every chance I got I was with her. She was still sore from the incounter with her mother and was still a little fragile after her nightmare with a panic attack. She didn't want to leave my side. I wasn't complaining, I enjoy her company.  We have 1st period , 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th together. So we have 5/8 classes together. That was very inconvenient when we hated or just her not wanting to engage in her feeling for me. Today it wasn't because she wanted me to be there for her, which I was going to do even if she didn't want me to. We were at our free period which was our 6th period and she just wanted to hang out in the lounge but then we saw someone she didn't want to see.    "What are you doing in here Cheryl?"  Veronica said as her and Archie entered the lounge. "I'm hanging out with my girlfriend in the student lounge on our free period. What does it look like?" She says kind of annoyed. "It looks like you have worse marks than I thought you would , when I beat you up." Veronica said with a smirk. I look at her and she rolls her eyes. "What are you staring at Toni?" Veronica said snarky. "Honestly I have no clue." I said and she scoffed. "Cheryl, you better get your girl back on her damn leash." She said. "Or what? Hmm.. Veronica? What the hell are you going to do about it? Remember I'm the one who kicked your ass the other day and she's in a gang. I don't like your odds of you actually winning any fight against us." Cheryl says getting up. "Oh Cheryl you know damn well I could beat you if I tried." Veronica said and I got up. "I doubt that , and I know for a fact that you can't win against me. I've beat bigger and stronger girls and Men than you." I say and she steps forward. "Babe I think we should go" Archie said trying to avoid anything. "Shut up Arch!" She says and he leaves. "Fine but I'm not gonna stop them from hurting you" he left and she rolled her eyes. "Y'all bitches better stand down." Veronica said. "I'm not doing anything" Cheryl said. "Oh yeah?" Veronica said. "Yeah" Cheryl said.

Cheryl's POV
Veronica kept pushing my buttons. She swong at me and hit me. I punched her in her face and she lost her balance but regained it after a few seconds. She ran at me and we both just started hitting each other. She tried harder this time than the last time. I hit her and kicked her. We ended up on the floor. She was on top of me hitting me and pulling my hair. I flipped her to where I was so now I'm on top of her. I hit her hard. I was so pissed off. I didn't stop hitting her. It was like all of my anger and frustration was all going onto my fist and I just kept hitting her. She was trying to push me off. She was starting to bleed. Toni ran up and pulled me off of her. I was screaming and fighting. But Toni just kept trying to calm me down. Mr. Weatherbe ran in and ran to Veronica and then told me to go to his office. Toni yelled at him and he told her to go as well. The next thing I know I'm sitting in the principal's office with my girlfriend and I'm shaking from how pissed I was. I kept trying to calm down but I couldn't. "Ladies , this is the worst fight I've seen in Riverdale High School since I started working here 10 Years ago." Our principal explained. "Now please , calmly tell me what happened." He said . "A few days ago Veronica was at Sunnyside trailer park in an argument with my cousin Betty and her boyfriend Jughead. They got into it and I stopped it but then Veronica got big headed and started to fight me and I beat her up. Today was the first day I've seen her since then and she started talking crap to both me and Toni. Me and her got into another argument and it got heated again and I lost control. So here we are." I said and he shook his head in disappointment. "Cheryl , we have a very strict policy about fighting at this school." He says. "You and miss Lodge will both be suspended, but because of how bad the fight was you will be suspended for Two weeks." He says. "That isn't fair!" I yell. "Miss Blossom please sit down . And as for you Miss Topaz, since you were the one who could've stopped them and didn't until it was worse and you yelling at me , you'll be getting a weeks suspension." He says and Toni just rolls her eyes. "Okay whatever sir." She says. "Wait why does she get suspended? She didn't do anything?!." I say . "That's the point. She didn't do anything when she could've and then continued to confront me when I was helping the other student." He says. "As for it being fair.... Miss Lodge will be getting the same sentence as you are because she started it." He says. "Am I clear?" He says. "Yes sir" we both say.  "Now Toni I don't want to see you back here until next Wednesday, and Cheryl I don't want to see you until the following Wednesday. Okay?" He says. "Yes sir." We both say. "Now get your things and go home."  We both leave. We hop on Toni's bike and make our way back to her trailer. We set our things down and sit on the couch. "So what are we going to do for the week I'm suspended?" She says. "Babe I'm sorry , if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be suspended. I should've controled myself better." I say and she lays her hand on my shoulder. "Cher , it's fine. I've gotten suspended for way worse than this. I'm glad you won't be alone for two weeks on the time I'm gone. Instead you'll have me all to yourself for a whole week." She says with a smirk. "I like the sound of that" I say. She kisses me.  I kiss back and wrap my arms around her. She pulls away. "You know it was kinda hot seeing you get mad like that" she said with a chuckle. "Well it could get hotter" I say and kiss her. Our kiss turns into another make out session really quick. She winds up on top of me and we just stay like that. Her top ends up on the floor and then mine. "Let's go to the room?" I say and she gets up and so do I. Next thing I know she's picking me up and making our way into the room...


I wake up in Toni's arms. I'm comfortable even though I have nothing on. She wakes up a few minutes after me. "Hey gorgeous." She says sleepily. "Hey" I say. She pulls me up and kisses me gently. I smile. Wow it feels like the first smile I've had in days. She smiles. I love the way she smiles. "There's the smile I missed seeing." She says. "Well it's be a rough couple of days." I say. "Yeah baby, I know. And I'm sorry, I wish there was something I could've done at the time. I'm trying now though." She says. "I know and I'm grateful for you." I say and smile. "I love your smile so much, I missed it." She says and moves a stray   piece of hair  from my face  while holding me. "I love you" I say and kiss her. "I love you too" she says simply. We just lay like that for about 30 minutes. She gets up and goes to the restroom. She comes back in the room and puts one of my shirts that was just laying there. I grab her shirt that was next to me and put it on. "Babe do you want to talk about how we are going to handle your mother situation?"  Toni says. "I guess." I say. "So how do you want me to handle it, I mean I can't let her get away with what she did to you." She says. "I don't know , I'm not used to stuff like this. I frankly don't care what you do, just don't kill her. She isn't worth you going to jail." I say. "Let's scare her." I look at her confused "How?" I ask. "I can get a few serpents to help me and we can confront your mother and basically impromptu it from there if we need to." She says. "That sounds like a plan." I say. "She's not going to be back until Saturday morning so we should do it next week maybe on Monday?" I say. "Sounds like a plan." She says. "I'll get Fangs and Sweet pea to help" she says. "Okay" I say. "So it's settled, we'll confront her on Monday?" She asks. "Yeah it's time." I say.
Karma's a bitch
mother and you've made
a huge debt and
it's time to

A/n  hey lovelies, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm trying to get a few chapters in before my break ends. Goodnight lovelies.  See y'all next update.

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