Chapter 7

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Cheryl's POV
Weeks went by faster than I thought they would. Next thing I know it's been 6 months since me and Toni started dating. These 6 months have been the best months in my life. Everything seems so perfect and my feelings increase every minute I'm with her. I think she feels the same , but I'm not quite sure yet.  I spend the nights at her trailer every Saturday night and Sunday night. My mother doesn't care that I'm gone because of her clients. She still has no clue that I'm with a girl , but she knows I'm with someone . After a few weeks it got hard to hide the marks on my neck so she just walked up to me called me a slut for giving it up and told me that if I got pregnant I'm being kicked out of the house and walked away.  She just figured it was a boy who I was making out with and she thought I was doing more than that. I wasn't but I wasn't going to argue with her about that because it wasn't completely false. I am not a virgin , but I didn't lose it to Toni.
My mom had another "home visits" from one of her 'friends' and she wanted me out for the weekend. So I called Toni and she told me I could stay over. So I got my stuff and walked out of my house to my car. I drive to the trailer park and as I drive up to Toni's trailer I notice she has a worry/frustrated face. Then I noticed Jughead and Betty arguing with Archie and Veronica . I got out of the car and walked up to my girlfriend. She gave me a worried look. "What's going on?" I ask. "Veronica and Archie aren't happy that Betty is serpent Queen alongside Jughead as he is King." I look at her like 'really?' we then notice it starts to get a little more heated and next thing I know I see Veronica punching Betty and Jughead Punching Archie. Toni runs to Jughead and I run to Betty breaking up the fight. "Hold your shit!" I yell as Veronica tries to hit Betty again. "CALM THE HELL DOWN!". I yell at them both. "Quite acting like middle schoolers and act your age." I yell and Veronica gives me a bitch look. "Cheryl what are you even doing here? You should have stayed out of this and minded your own business" she says and I roll my eyes. "You hit my cousin, of course it's my business. I'm here because this is where my girlfriend is. I didn't think I was going to have to break up a fight." I exclaimed. "Why don't you go to the trailer and leave us alone?" V says pissed. "Not until everyone chills out." I tell them. "I don't fucking want you here Cheryl. Leave us alone" I look at her and roll my eyes. "I never said if you wanted me here. I frankly don't care. The only reason I stayed out here is because my cousin was getting punched and so was her boyfriend." She rolled her eyes and stood closely. "LEAVE Cheryl. One last time." I look at her. "No, I'm not leaving" she slaps me and I start to slap her back. She pushes me down with her on top of me and starts hitting me. I lift her off me and jump up to my feet . She runs at me and I pick her up and slammed her and got on top of her and pined her down , holding her arms. "Are you done?" Everyone was shocked. It all happened so fast that no one could stop us in time. Toni comes running to me and helps me up. She runs her hand on my face and See's all the marks there. "Oh my God Cheryl , why did you do that?" She said . "Cause no one tries to come at me without a hell of a fight."  She laughs and Veronica gets up and started to walk off with Archie. "Leave me and Archie alone I don't want to see any of y'all again. Bye bitches." She said as she drove away.  I walk over to Betty who was tending to the cut over her eyebrow where Veronica hit her, Jughead was trying to help her. Betty flinches in pain when Jughead tried to clean the cut. "Hey...hey... I so sorry Betts , I didn't think it would have gotten this out of control." She looked at him sincere. "I'm fine Jug, nothing I can't handle. But Cheryl got it worse than me though. Are you good Cher?" She asks me. "I'm fine." Toni walks up to me and puts her hands on my shoulders. "Bull shit. Babe I saw how she hit you. She did leave marks and you are bleeding. I'm gonna take you inside to clean you up. Bye Jughead. Bye Betty." She says to them. "I call you later cuz." Betty says and I nod. Me and Toni walk inside of her trailer and she leads me to the counter where I jump up on and sit. She heads to the restroom and comes back with a first aid kit. "Okay, hold still. This is going to sting a little." She says as she cleans my cuts on my head from where my face hit the gravel.
"Ey baby , why did you do that?" She said as she cleaned my cuts. "I just couldn't stand that bitch hitting my cousin and her acting like she was all bad." I say and she shakes her head. "You could've gotten hurt." She says. "I know babe." I say and she put her hand on my cheek and I move my face towards her hand and kiss it. She moves closer to me and puts her other arm around my waist and kisses me. "I don't know what I would've done if she hurt you."she says as I sit there in her arms. "It was just Veronica, but thank you for caring." I say . "It doesn't matter who you fought. It's dangerous no matter who it is. You don't have to fight, leave that to me." She said and I kissed her. "It's sweet how you care, but I can take care of myself when needed."  I say and she sighs "I know you can but you don't have to." I put my arm around her neck and I could feel her  pulse and it was faster than normal. "Are you okay babe?" I say and she nods "why wouldn't I be?" She says. " Your pulse is faster than normal." She gives me a look and smiles. "Oh, that's normal when I'm with you." She says.
"Why is that?" I ask. "because I... I.." she stumbles on her words and it makes me nervous. "You what?" I ask and she continues. She places her hands on my arms and runs them up and down. "Because Cheryl... I umm.. I love you." She says and I can she the worried look in her face and all of the nervous thoughts she has goes to her face. I give her a kiss and it was full of passion and emotions. She returns the feeling and I break away from her lips and she gives me a worried look. "I love you too Toni." I say and she smiles. I wrap my arms around her neck and she wraps her's on my waist. I kiss her passionately and she returns. I move my head and deepen the kiss. She puts her tongue in my mouth and we start our fight for dominance . She wins. I run my hands through her hair as she kisses me . She runs her hands up and down my waist. We continue to make out and then she stops at a certain place because it was so heated. Our chest were heaving up and down .
"What's wrong. Why did you stop?"
Toni's POV
Our kiss got heated then turned into a make out session. Where it was going was something I didn't know if she was ready for.  I stopped. I didn't want to but I did. As our chest heaved up and down. Cheryl looks at me and says. "What's wrong. Why did you stop?." I felt bad , I didn't know she wanted more or not. "I didn't want to pressure you into something you weren't ready for." I said and she smiled. "Baby, I'm not a virgin just so you know but I've never done that with a girl. I am ready whenever you are." She says and I smile. "Are you sure?" She smiles and nods. "Yes Toni, I'm sure. I trust you and I want you to make me yours in that way." She says and I smile.

A/N : hey  lovelies .hope you enjoyed this sweet little chapter. I'm really busy during the week and on Saturday so I try to write as much as I can whenever I can. See you next update.

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