Of course, Kai rarely stays in the sun long enough to show he has dark brown hair, which rested lazily but combed professionally to the side.

While Iris studied his occupied state, he let his eyes wander. Kai was a hard-faced person, sharp jawline and slim eyebrows, nose. His features were pale but all vampires' were.

Iris lowered his eyes to Kai's hands, which tried to straighten out the paper he crumbled while muttered who stupid he was. Iris chuckled.

Kai wore a plain silver ring on his index finger. He never explained where it came from but only that it was important to him. Iris put his elbow on the table and rested his cheek against his knuckles.

He noticed all the coats and shirts Kai wore couldn't contain his muscles as every outfit outlined his biceps perfectly. He noticed how he always crossed his right leg over his left when he sat down-he wasn't now-but he noticed. And he noticed how his blue eyes shaded to their navy color every time he read something with interest; like now as read their schedule over again.

When Iris brought his wandering eyes back up to Kai's face they stopped at his lips, and all thoughts evaporated from his mind. He stared emptily at them, thoughtless. He didn't have a note for them, besides well...ever so suddenly, but occasionally, they looked so kissa-

"Get your elbows off the table!"

Iris jumped out of his thoughts and away from the table when his mother's demand plunged into his ears.

He and Kai looked towards the door, surprised by the Queen's sudden arrival. 

"Goodness, were you raised by animals?" Amelia sighed as she walked over and dusted the spot where Iris was leaning on. He frowned. 

"Don't be dramatic, mom." The Queen gave him a stare. "Mother..sorry."

"There's no such thing as being dramatic, it's being logical." 

Kai raised an eyebrow and glanced at Iris. He had to get some traits from his mother. Or at least obtained a few habits from her.

"Right. What are you doing here?" Iris rolled his eyes at Kai when Amilea turned her back to them. 

"I heard from a maid they're baking cookies, so I came to try one." 

Iris narrowed his eyes at her fidgeting hands. He looked away with a bitter expression."Or did you hear a general was coming over?"

Kai's head raised from the paper so fast he could've broken his neck, and the Queen's eyes widened past her sockets. 

"Excuse me?" 

"Nothing. We're leaving." 

"No, you're going to apologize for accusing me." 

"For what? Something you do but won't admit?" 

"Sir," Kai seized Iris's wrist when he stood up hastily. He shook his head as a warning when Iris looked down. 

"I'll admit I think it's sick what you think I'm doing." 

"So do-" He stopped when Kai dug his fingers in his wrist. He turned his head while biting his tongue. "I'm sorry." His tone was far from believable, but Amelia nodded her head and fanned her face. 

"Then you're excused." She stepped aside and pointed to the door. Iris jerked his hand away from Kai and marched past her, his guard quickly following.

"Why did you do that?" Iris stopped when they were down another hallway and pointed an accusing finger at Kai. 

"Why, because it was a pointless argument that was going to backfire on both of us."


"You know she won't admit to it," Kai sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "And I know it's hard for you to listen to her lie, but you have to control that anger." 

Iris scoffed and crossed his arms. "I have my anger perfectly under control."

Kai didn't have to say anything but stare with dim eyes. Iris shrunk seconds later. "Okay, I'll work on it." 

"Thank you."

"But I'm still mad at her." 

"I know." 

"And you."

"That's okay." Kai ruffled his hair, earning a deep frown from Iris, then places his hands on his shoulders. "But take that anger elsewhere, say, the second village?"

Iris stared at him with escalating thoughts. His face grew wide with realization. "Oh yeah! Oh God, I'm late aren't I?" Jerking from Kai's hands, Iris turned his body and sped walked down the hall with grumbles and mutters under his breath. It took the vampire no longer than five seconds to catch up with him in the foyer. How he could do that with ease now, was an unattainable answer.

"Um, I had something else I had to do as well right?" Iris questioned as he slipped on his gloves, standing next to a chaperone by the door. "Wait no-when am I supposed to be back anyways? Does it matter? Will my dad wait..no he won't wait."

Kai sighed. When the prince started answering his own questions stress after that was a killer. He held out his schedule to silence him.

"You'll be fine if you hurry. Your father will understand if you lack a little."

Iris was too hectic to care if that was an insult or a half cup of closure. He smiled anyway and waved at Kai with the paper between his fingers and his palm before they set out.

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