They were both going strong until Alfie began looking a little sick.

"Is someone getting full?" Mick mocked.

Alfie couldn't even answer. He spit out what he was trying to chew and urged out, "You win."

"Ha! You have ride the Super Drop now."

"Fine. But if I throw up, I'm aiming for you."

They headed over to the ride together. The Super Drop would rise up vertically, ever so slowly, and then immediately send you downward, stopping you just before reaching the ground. It did this three times for every ride. Alfie got strapped in, and he glared at Mick. The ride began, and Alfie rose up in the air, and there was a pause up at the top. Then he was shot back down, and his cheeks puffed out a bit.

"Hang in there!" Mick called out.

The ride went up once more, and jerked back down. Alfie was on the verge of puking.

"Just one more time!" Mick yelled.

The ride went up for the final time, and jerked back down for its final time. Alfie struggled with his strap, trying very hard to get it off. Then he jumped down from his seat, and as Mick was heading over to him, he puked all over the concrete.

Mick escorted Alfie away from the large, warm pile.

"Sorry, man," he apologized.

"No, jokes on you," Alfie swallowed, "because now I can eat more food."


Patricia and Eddie went to a basketball booth set up, where they'd shoot mini basketballs into mini nets. They were competing against eachother, and winner would get the stuffed animal.

As they were shooting, they were conversing as well.

"You are so going down," Eddie grinned.

"Ha! Yeah right," Patricia responded.

"You haven't even made a goal yet. I've made five so far."

One of Patricia's finally went in. "I made one!"

They shot some more and the buzzer finally went off, leaving the score 8-1.

"Not fair. My balls didn't have enough air," Patricia moaned.

Eddie picked up one. "Uh, these are foam balls."

Patricia slapped it out of his hand.

Eddie chose the small panda bear. He looked at it, and then handed it to Patricia who took it hesitantly. She gazed at it and then looked up at Eddie.

"You're always a winner to me, Yacker," Eddie smiled.

Patricia smiled. "We're doing darts next." She headed to the booth with Eddie following.


KT, Mara, Joy, and Amber ran into Willow who was in the chicken coop, feeding them under the supervision of the person running the coop.

"Wow Willow. You're really good with chickens," KT complimented.

"Thanks. My great-grandfather grew up on a farm so, I suppose it's in my blood."

"Can I feed one?" Joy asked the attendant.

She received some food and the cage to a chicken was open so she could feed it.

"I think I'm going to stand outside. This smell is disgusting," Amber went back outside in her heels.

"Classic Amber," Mara commented. "So, are these chickens farm-raised?" she asked the attendant.

He nodded.

"Are they GMOs? Because I'm strictly against that."

"I just watch these chickens for carnivals. All I know is that they come from a farm, and they need to stay within my sight. I don't have anything to do with genetics or anything."

"Well then. But they do look abnormally large. I think I'll write a letter to the carnival manager and ask them."

KT sighed. "Oh Mara."


Fabian and Nina were waking together, each of them holding their own cotton candy. They had arms interlocked with eachother it seemed as though they were an official couple again.

"This was pretty worth it," Fabian smiled.

"Yeah," Nina agreed. "It really was."

They were passing by restrooms when Nina said, "I need to use the restroom. Or 'lou'. Be right back. Hold this please."

Fabian took her cotton candy and she went into the restroom. Nina went to the second stall and swung open the door, freezing when she witnessed what was in there. Her expression was terrified and a bit shocked.

She screamed.


Oh gosh, what could be in there?! Cliffhanger! You just have to wait to find out, but tell me, do you like this chapter? Thanks for reading!

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