Chapter 18

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Perries POV :

I woke up early today , but I didn't get up no instead I laid facing the ceiling deciding on how to try and ask jade to be mine. First I thought about making a sign and getting jesy to help me by standing outside the house with it but I didn't want to seam cringe, so instead I settled on leaving clues until she finds me near the beach were I will ask her to my girlfriend .

The good news also is now she does not need a wheel chair , her stitched from surgery have settled meaning sending her down to the beach would be easier now but I still have the issue of how I am gonna be able to sneak off for the day to set this up , I can not do this by myself so jesy is gonna have to be my partner in crime if she is not out stopping crime .

To jess: Hey I am gonna be brave and ask jade to be mine so I was wondering if you were working

I waited a while hoping that I had not woke her up or got her in trouble for having her phone on at work .

From jess: No I am off today , and its about time but how does this involve me

To jess: Because I need some one to help set it up

From jess: Well what's the plan I am happy to help

To jess: ok well I am gonna make clues like little cards and leave them around hidden and they lead her to the beach were I will wait and ask her , I over heard once that she loves to go to the beach here so hopefully she says yes

From jess: Iam in meet me at 10 I will help get the stuff

To jess: see ya then

Great all I have to do now is get the stuff , set it up , hide them around , get jade to find them , wait for her and ask her out , that's quite a lot actually. Anyway it was quite later on so I decided on going down stairs to see only Norma sat with a cup of tea " morning Norma were is jade ",she looked away from the TV as if she did not notice me at the door "oh morning dear and I think jades still snoring in her room , you can wake her up if you want ", Instantly my plan popped up " um no I will wait for her to wake up but can I tell you some thing ",she nodded kind of looking worried "I am gonna ask jade out but I am gonna leave her clues to follow which lead to the beach , do you think she will like it ",she placed her tea down on the table and grabbed my hand with the other covering her mouth in shock "oh honey she will love it , oh you are such a wonderful person I am so happy you are asking her she has been on about it for a while now ",I laughed lightly before something else came to mind " look I am meeting my friend soon to set it up could you tell her that I have popped out to get something or something like that ",she just nodded and stood up "of course now let me get you breakfast ".

Jades POV :

I slept in quite late today its nearly 10 o clock and I can hear the Tv on down stairs so I am assuming that Perrie and my mam are awake so I went straight down , however sat their was my mam watching the news program that they play every morning and no Perrie "morning mam were is Perrie ", she looked up and smiled really really happily "she's out , she had to pop down to the shop to grab something ", I just shrugged it off and sat down with my phone next to my mam .

To pez 💕: hey what are you doing xxx

Sooner or later I got a message back which fit what my mam said .

From pez 💕: Iam at the shop xxx

To pez 💕: how long are you gonna be xxx

From pez 💕: a while but when I get back I want to take you some where so get dressed xxx

To pez 💕: ok see ya soon xxx

God what is up with every one being so nice today , I mean it's not a bad thing it's just their not normaly this jolly something big must be happening that I don't know of or they have both had a good sleep and food ether way I am excited to see where Perrie is taking me when she gets back . I placed my phone down and went back up stairs to change into some jeans and a jumper because it is cold outside now , hopefully it keeps me warm where ever she takes me .

Authors note : I hope you all had a good x mas and have a good new year a, if you did like this than Please vote and have a great day , afternoon or night 💜📱p.s the image at the top was actually a photo of South Shields beach

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