Chapter 14

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Perries POV :

"And this is your room ",jade said clearly pushing the door open to what I am guessing is the guest room "thank you jade I really appreciate it ",she smiled once again as I wheeled my suitcase in before throwing it on the bed in search of some cloths to wear to bed "my mam brought you some towels in they should be in the bathroom and if you need anything my room is the one facing this one",I stopped my search once I had pulled out some comfy cloths to wear , I walked over to wear jade was sat looking at me "night jade",I lent in and placed a kiss on her cheek , I am sure she's blushing but her head is hanging down , still I can still see and hear the smile on her face "night Perrie , if you need anything you know were I am ",with that she was gone , time to sleep let's hope I can .

"Perrie get down these stairs now ",I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me along with my stuffed rabbit called roger,once at the bottom step I could see cases and an angry looking dad "were are we going ?",I asked a little taken back by my dads sudden behaviour "away",he grabbed me by my arm tightly and dragged me out to the car "ouch your hurting me",he just smirked and tightened his grip even more if possible , the more I struggled to get out of his grip the worse he got . He dropped me on the grass outside "will you stop fucking moving you little bitch ",my heart sank at this point ,I have seen my dad do bad things and he has done bad things to me ,but it never gets easier ,i held my rabbit close to my chest for comfort but soon lost it when my father pulled it out of my little hands "think he's gonna protect you huh, well guess what , he's not anymore ",he grabbed the head of the stuffed rabbit and pulled it away from his body before throwing it in the garbage bin next to us "now get up and get in the car ",I stood up still shacking but ran , not to the car but for my dear life , once he realised that he took off down the street chasing me "HELP" , I ran and ran but no one heard "HELP ME "........

"HELP",I shot up when I felt some thing touch my arm "calm down Perrie it's just me ok , you were dreaming ",I put  my head in my hands , this time I couldn't help but let the tears roll ,"are you ok Perrie ",this time I was going to be honest with some one " no , I keep having these terrible dreams about my father ",she grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze "about his death ",I shook my head once more , I pulled the blankets up from next to me and patted the bed "get in and I will explain ", she wheeled around the bed and climbed in next to me instantly grabbing my hand and rubbing small patterns on it "go on Perrie ", I took a deep breath and looked down "my father wasn't a kind one , he never showed love towards us unless we were in the public eye, and even that was little , I keep having dreams about all the terrible things he has done or I know this sounds crazy but I have dreams about him , they are so real like he is standing in the room with me making me feel as scared as I was when I was a little girl ",I wiped the fallen tears away from my face and lent into the soft touch I felt , I laid my head on jades shoulder and let out a sigh "what was this dream about?" Jade asked rubbing my shoulder with her hand which was now around me"he was taking me some were , he was obviously mad , he tried to drag me to the car with a tight grip on my arm which hurt me ,I tried to get out but that just made it worse , he threw me to the ground and ripped my stuffed rabbit roger out of my hands and pulled is head off and threw him away like it meant nothing , he was the only comfort I had while I was under his spell , he told me to get in the car but this time I ran, I ran as far as I could with my little legs down the street shouting for help but no one came ", it felt good to let this all out for some one to hear "well I am here now , I heard you shouting in your  sleep so I came in , I didn't know you were asleep until I saw you scared and moving around in your bed ", I sighed once again and buried my head into jades soft neck , it felt good to let this out finally .

Authors note: well that's the end of another chapter also happy December I am so excited for Christmas , I hope you enjoyed and if you did then please vote and have a great day,afternoon or night💜📱

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