As soon as they're done dressing me up, they helped me out of the room, going all the way to the dining room. You can say I'd be lying if I say that my activity everyday is not boring when it fact it is because all I do is sleep, eat, and drink my medicine. At least I still get out of my room when it's time for meal.

My parents said that I won't be restricted from going out of the palace soon once I'm completely healed but not beyond the palace walls. Might be because I'm just a hidden child, and the only people who knows are the maids and butlers.

A yawn escaped my mouth before entering the room, greeted by my parents who seemed to be looking forward to my presence. I walked towards them, had my usual greeting and sat down. I tell you, in the first day of being here, I was clueless as to what to do. Gladly, the maids taught me how to greet them when it's meal time as well.

"Duchess, and My King." A butler came in making us all snapped our head towards him.

"What is it?" My father asked in anticipation and excitement. "Is the little Lord already here?"

Little Lord?

I raised my eyebrow at him before giving back my attention to the butler who nodded, and turned around. Peeking behind him, I saw a little child who has a blonde coloured hair, and wearing those tiny traditional clothes. He seemed to be around my age as well.

"Lord Namjoon!" I jumped on my seat, startled by my mother's sudden burst out of joy. I looked at her who ran towards the little child.

The little kid whose name is Namjoon, so much for this french name if that's what he is, bowed in front of mother before passing beside her making my jaw dropped. What the hell is this kid's attitude? That was too rude of him to greet a duchess, and a King like that. Just who is he to be like that?

I just stared at his existence who walked towards the seat across me, and bowed towards my father. At least he had some respect left because he bowed in front of them as if my parents has a lower rank than him.

"You're finally here." My father genuinely smiled yet there was obvious nervousness lurking behind making me baffled.

"Elfido..." I muttered under my breath, and looked beside, startled once again at his sudden appearance right next to me.

"Mady?" Mom called out, and I abruptly sat properly, grabbing my fork and knife. "Are you alright?"

I slowly nodded my head, eyes still focused on the food and not trying to grab their attention. I was surprised by Elfido who just appeared out of nowhere, and it's more shocking that ny family can't even see him.

"Next time," I breathed in before exhaling loudly, and muttered. "Don't surprise me like that."

"Yes, my lady." He answered obediently with that same serious expression. "Is there any question you have to ask?"

I nodded before whispering, and didn't budge on my seat. "Who is this kid?"

"He is Lord Namjoon, who received the titles of Duke of Rothesay, and a Prince and Great Steward of Scotland the moment he was born." He responded, and I waited for more information but he just stayed silent.

"That's it?"

"There's nothing more to tell." He said, and cowered his head down. "For other information, you will have to find out. I don't even have that much knowledge about them according to the system except for your character and your parents."

I squeaked, looking at him who tilted his head, nodded and disappeared right away. "What—"

I closed my mouth, slowly grabbing back my utensils and eyes wavered towards my parents who was looking at me. Blinking my eyes, I continue to eat, not minding the chills sending right behind and the feeling of someone looking at me.

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