Chapter 12.

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Harry's POV.

"Are you alright love?" Is the first question that comes out of my mouth as soon as the doors of the car are shut and the shutters of cameras and obnoxious yelling is muted.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine just a little shocked." Gia responds, relaxing back into the backseat of my Rolls Royce, watching a mob of people surrounding the car. I can't help but feel like shit. I hadn't expected a mob of paparazzi's to flock around me today, but this is just the small cons that come with having your names in flashing lights.

"Home, Mr Styles?" My driver Matthew asks as both Gia and I click our seat belts into place.

"Drop miss Alvarrez to her hotel first." I nod, getting confirmation from herself before she tells Matthew the address. Gia's focus seem to become occupied on the mob of people behind us, her eyes flickering between the rear view mirror and head turns every so often.

"I'm really sorry for all of that by the way. I don't really have much control on those situations." I apologise, earning her attention. A kind smile elicits her face, followed by a - "no don't be sorry. I understand." She sympathises and I swear I almost smile just looking at her.

What the hell is wrong with me? Am I seriously crushing on a model who I really am focused on working with, being strictly professional? Honestly, I don't reckon I could be any more unprofessional than I am right now. But could I blame myself? Gia's stunning - jaw dropping.

Is it selfish of me to say that I want her all to myself?

I don't know what it is about her that draws me in so much. Maybe her soap, perfume even? Her smile alone is enough to make me want to fire every model in the game and just have Gia.

"We'll have to find a more remote place next time." She says, interrupting my thoughts and giggling to herself. I laugh too, at first before I realise what she's just said.

"Are you implying another lunch date?" I ask her, focusing my attention on her face, though I can't read her expression. I can't tell if she's joking or if she's just sugar coating what she really wants.

"Maybe," she teases, "give or take the offer." Her eyes flicker back to me, looking at me through thick eyelashes.

She's bold. I liked her already but that just sealed the deal. I'm quick to move on this, trying to scan my week schedule in my head to see if I can push a date into my week, even if I'm busy, I'll make room, I'm not missing out on this. "When do you leave for Los Angeles?" I ask, persistent to take her up on this offer.

"Tuesday." She replies with a small smirk on her face, knowing I'm quickly falling under her spell. "Perfect. Monday night it is." I say, about to pull my phone out to set it in my calendar before her voice stops me.

"Just email me." She says, my head tilting up to meet hers.

"Why can't I just text you myself?"

She smirks at me before turning to view outside of the window. She shrugs her shoulders before gently saying, "you haven't worked enough yet to get my number. Maybe Monday will fix that."

A light scoff escapes my mouth as I catch her smile from the light reflection from the window. Game on.


My weekend felt like it just flew by, feeling like I hadn't rested well enough over two days, but those are just the cons that come with owning a business. To everyone in New York right now, it was just like it was another Monday morning, getting up and dreading the day to come. However, I felt the complete opposite.

For once, I was excited to get through this day and maybe it was just the small amount of nerves that was circling through my system about the events planned for later tonight. I caught myself throughout the entire morning, anxiously tapping on desks or chewing on the back of my pen, something I never really do.

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