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"Okaaaaaaay, we're baaaaaaaaack!" I shout at them. "Okay. So we decided to tell you something that we haven't told anyone else, on one condition." Keefe paused. "Go on." Said Linh. "The condition is that you can't tell anybody, and the other thing is weeeeeeeell... Tam say it with me." "On three then" he says and me and Linh start to count down. "One. Two. Three!!!" "We're dating!" They shout together. "Aaaaaaaaaah!!! Yaaaaaaaaaasssss!!! Me and Linh shout going into ultimate fangirl mode.

Oh btw sorry if this chapter is cringey

"I'm so happy for you guys!!!" I tell them for the billionth time. "Gsataufkgkudysdjfjd yeah we know you already told us like 200000 times already." "Yeah but you guys deserve it!!!" Shouts Linh, taking my side. "Guys..." says Tam. We should really be quieter, it looked like lady Belva was going to give us detention just a second ago." "Ugh" I say and Keefe groans. "Fine." He says, and we get back to work.

As we get to the leapmaster, I ask Linh if she wants to come over to my house. "Sure." She answers, "I'll just go home to change first then I'll be right there" "yay!" I say. "Well see you soon Linh!" I shout at her form as it fades away as she light leaps.

Time skip to when she comes over because logic and I'm very lazy

"Hey Linh." I say, greeting her at the door. "You um look really pretty." I blush and she does too. "Thanks" she says while being shy.

While being shy. That makes sense now if you didn't know

We walk up my stairs pretty silently, until we get to my room. I hop onto my bed and gesture for her to come sit next to me. "Um Linh?" I ask her while playing with her beautiful hair. "You know how yesterday Keefe was teasing us about liking each other?" "Yeah." She says slowly. "Well um, I actually do like you." She looks at me and smiles. "Oh Sophie I love you too!!!"

See cringey

"Uh, um, can I kiss you?" "Of course!" She says, exploding with happiness. I bring her face closer to mine and press my lips onto hers. She kisses back. It's wonderful, even better than I imagined, her soft lips, pressing against mine, is such an amazing feeling.

Lol that was even cringeyer

The kiss ends after too little amount of time having passed, but I guess people do need to breathe. "Soooooooooo." I say after. "I take it this means we're dating?" "Please?!" She asks and I agree then kiss her again. "Well. We should probably call Keefe."

~words: 547 small but very cringey chapter

Oh and also please vote and comment if you like it! Thanks for reading💕

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