Chapter 2: how to be a mom

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Daniel: Here we go with Chapter 2.

Haruka: When is Kanata going to be my Husband?

Daniel: by the end of the story.

Haruka: i hate you.

Daniel: Join the club, they got buttons and stickers. but let's start the chapter.

It's been a Year since the birth of her baby twins. Haruka is trying to catch up with her studies and take care of her baby twins at the same time and it's starting to be a bit too much on her. The next day Haruka was  on summer break along with her sister and they thought they were going to get a break from the babies, but they were wrong. 

At night, Haruka was sleeping on her desk, because she was working on her summer homework early. But she woke up by the sound of Haruto crying, she knew he either needed to be changed or he was hungry.  

And to Haruka's relief he was just hungry so Haruka lifted her shirt and bra and started to breastfeed him until he was full, which only took a few minutes and he went right back to sleep. Then Sakura woke up and started crying, Haruka saw that she needed to be changed. 

After changing Sakura, Haruka went to her bed and fell straight to sleep, after a long and stressful night.   

The next day, Haruka continued on her summer homework with Momoka as their parents played with Sakura and Haruto. After finishing their Homework, the two siblings went to get lunch as their parents went into their family restaurant to start working. Haruka stayed inside the house to take care of her children which wasn't too hard. All that Sakura and Haruto did was play or napped which gave Haruka time to finish her summer homework and take a nap herself.

When she woke up she saw her children awake and playing with Momoka. When Haruka saw that, a smile just showed up on her face and couldn't help go over there and start to play with her young children.

At night, Haruka was looking at her twin children and was thinking to herself look at them. They look so peaceful like nothing's wrong with the world. Haruka said mentally or so she thought and now had these other thoughts in her head My little boy would be much like his father just and honest. As for my little girl.... Haruka thought for a moment and drop dead silent oh god.... Sakura is going to grow up to be so beautiful and she might get a boyfriend. There would be so many dead bodies to dispose of..... little did Haruka knew she said all of it out loud so Mirai and her parents heard everything.

"Yeah, That's great sweetie. Now I'm pretty sure my grandchildren needs some sleep." Mrs. Haruno said as it snaps Haruka out of her murderous trance.

"How did heard all of that?" Haruka ask.

"Sis, you were saying all of that at full volume!" Mirai yelled silently so she wouldn't wake up her niece and nephew until they heard a child's voice saying.

"Mama" it caught them off guard and they found that the voice came from Sakura and Haruka started to shed tears of joy.

"That's right, i'm your mom..." Haruka said while hiccuping a little bit and continued to cry a little.

3 years later

Haruka was getting ready for today was the day that she would graduate from college and finally spend more time with her children, which speak of the devil, Sakura was getting ready as well by wearing a pink shirt, a pink skirt and has her hair in a ponytail. 

Momoka was wearing a long sleeve blue shirt and a long and black pants. 

Everyone was ready to go to Haruka's graduation. They drove to Haruka's college and dropped off Haruka in the back and they went to the observatory. When they got there, they all took their seats with Momoka holding Sakura in her lap while Haruto is on his grandmother's lap. The ceremony began and the headmaster of the college went up to the stage and ask for Haruka to make a great speech (Because she was student government President) Haruka shown that she was nervous but she swallowed her fear and tap on the microphone and began to speak "When my life changed after having my two children, i honestly felt like i lost my place in this world. However that all changed because i had support from my family and friends, they helped me opened my eyes more and gave me the assurance i needed, so i won't lose sight anymore and i do my best to be a great citizen and a great Mother to my children." Haruka concluded as everyone in the observatory clapped for her determination and Haruka was the first one to get her diploma and went off the stage.

At Haruno residence, Haruka and her family & friends were celebrating by listening to some songs and having some cake that had the words "Congratulations Haruka!" and mostly everyone ate it, even the original precure were there such as Minami,Kirara,Yui,and Towa with the exclusion of Kanata, who had Royal duties to do, Much like Haruka's parents, the precure were angry but they soon accepted it and decided to be Haruto's and Sakura's Aunts (Even though Towa and Momoka are the true Aunts). 

After two hours, everyone left and Haruka put Haruto and Sakura to bed after a long day but the children didn't want to sleep just yet "Wait Mommy." Sakura ask.

"Yes?" Haruka asked back.

"Aren't you going to tell us more about the Princess Precure?" Haruto ask, ever since they were younger, Haruka had told them stories about Haruka's adventures as a precure.

"Are you two sure? It's been a long day & i'm sure you two are tired out." Haruka said but twins shook their heads no.

"We want to how you stop the bad guys." Haruto said.

"And we won't go to sleep until you do." Sakura stated as Haruka smiled and rolled her eyes and decided to tell her children more about the precure, however that night was the last story they hear. After saying the story of how they defeated Dyspear, Haruka saw that her two children were reluctantly drifting into sleep and that was Haruka's cue to turn off the lights and leave the room to let her children sleep.

Haruka went to the living room and saw that the Minami and the others were helping to clean up the party "Thanks Girls, i really appreciate you coming." Haruka said as she took the left over cake to the fridge.

"Well, we are best friends after all." Yui said.

"But, Oh my god, why didn't you tell us that you had Kanata's kids?" Kirara ask still clearly annoyed about it "Um,Kirara, You were in parís and busy with your modeling career, so i couldn't exactly tell you because i didn't want to bother you. Not to mention, Minami is working as a marine doctor at an aquarium in Miyakojima, Yui is a famous book author, and Towa has been in Hope Kingdom and has been sending me letters with some help with a device that a scientist made." Haruka stated but quickly calmed down.

"But.... you know were always there for you." Minami said.

"Yes, and while i'm still not pleased that you kept my niece and nephew a secret, but i know that your going to be a great mother to them." Towa said as she hugged Haruka but they all saw Sakura who seemed to have woken up because of a nightmare.

"Sakura. What's wrong sweetie?" Haruka ask her daughter.

"I had Nightmare about you leaving me. Saying that you don't love me anymore. That's not true, is it?" Sakura ask with tears threatened to come out of her eyes, however Haruka hugged her daughter.

"Of course not! I love you with all my heart and i would never leave you." Haruka said to her daughter and saw that Sakura was starting to calm down.

"do you really mean it?" Sakura ask her mother.

"I do." Haruka replied, however Haruka knew it was getting late so she and the other princess precure agreed to turn in for the night with Sakura going with her mother and going to bed with her.

When then they got to Haruka's room, Haruka picked up Sakura and the two of them landed on Haruka's bed and Haruka pulled up her blankets towards her and Sakura, when Haruka looked at her daughter she saw that she was sleeping peacefully and smiled at her "Good night, my little princess." Haruka said to her daughter quietly so that she wouldn't wake her up and with her saying that to her daughter, Haruka started to drift into sleep and now she and her daughter were sleeping peacefully in Haruka's bed.

Daniel: And chapter 2 is completed, Damn that took a long time.

Kirara: at least we finally appear in this story.

Yui: Yeah, and the twins are old enough to walk around & talk.

Towa: i'm still not happy with Haruka for keeping my niece and nephew a secret until now

Minami: Please get over it.

Daniel: well I hope you like this chapter and I hope I can do the next one in a much shorter time frame but if any of you have ideas for the next chapter, let me know and I will do my best to make a chapter out of that idea but until then, Ciao! 

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