Worst Birthday pt. 2

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I don't even know if I should respond. I mean I miss him but things didn't really end so great between us.
Fuck it.
*thanks Adym
*Adym: Any plans for today?
*Not really, why?
*Adym: Just asking, well hope you have a good one

Damn, I mean what else did I expect I should have known he wasn't going to want to get back together.

I feel my phone vibrate and get excited thinking Adym was calling me, but to my surprise it was Bri.

"Susy I get that you're upset but we can't let a fuck boy like Frimzy ruin your birthday. So we're gonna get ready for tonight okay?"
"Ugh you're right Bri"
"Meet me at the mall, we have to get you a nice outfit for tonight"

I meet up with Bri at the mall and we start looking for outfits. Bri keeps picking out so many tight dresses for me to try on and I honestly don't think I can pull off any of these dresses. But it's my bday why not go all out you know? Five stores later i finally see a dress that catches my eye, I go to try it on and just fall in love with it.

I honestly felt so cute and couldn't wait to go out, for once I was so excited for my birthday this year and it's all thanks to Bri

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I honestly felt so cute and couldn't wait to go out, for once I was so excited for my birthday this year and it's all thanks to Bri.

"Okay so do you have everything you need Susy? Our lyft is about to be outside"
"Yea I do so is it just gonna be me and you tonight?l
"Umm no I invited two other girls to come with us, Olivia and Maya they actually live in the room next to us, they're pretty nice"
"Oh okay cool"
We hear a knock on the door and Bri goes to open it and it's the girls.
"Happy birthday Susy! We gonna turn the fuck up!" Both of the girls come to hug me and I honestly didn't know how to react I'm not used to this but at the same time I'm super excited to have some fun.
Bri makes us all take some selfies before our Lyft arrives and now we're on our way to the club. As soon as we get in Bri and the other girls take me straight to the bar to get some drinks. Each one of them order me a margarita and demand me to chug it, and me being dumb chugs all 3 of them. Now in no way am I a drinker so at this point I'm feeling pretty fucken drunk.
"Come on guys let's go dance!" Maya yells and we follow her lead.
I'm having so much fun just dancing when I look to my right and see Adym. My heart stops when I see him talking to some girl. My thoughts get distracted when I hear Bri say,
"OMG that fuck boy is here!"
"Who?" I respond and she points at Frimzy.
Oh no, I hope they don't see me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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