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"So I feel like I owe you another date, maybe? Well if you want?"
I was still hesitant honestly, but I still agreed why turn down a free meal eh?
"Okay cool, so if you're free right now we can go somewhere? Anywhere you want" Adym said enthusiastically.
"Anywhere?" I said with a smile, Adym nodded.
"Well I've never been do Disneyland" I said with a little devious smile, I've never gone because well honestly it's really fucking expensive. But he did basically rip my heart from my chest so it shouldn't be much to ask for right?
"Yea..." he seemed pretty hesitant so I think that's a no.
"I guess we're going to Disneyland" Adym said smiling
"Get your stuff so we can be on our way" I went up to my dorm to grab my purse and went straight to Adym's car. The ride over there was pretty silent, so silent that I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to ask him some questions.
"So Adym what's your favorite Disney character?"
"I'd have to say Simba, you know the lion king is a classic, how about you?"
"I'm a pretty huge Disney fan so just picking one character is like asking me to pick a favorite child, just impossible, but if I had to choose prolly Belle."
"Haha so why is Belle your favorite"
"Growing up that the movie me and my mom would alway see together, so it just brings back good memories. And because she's just awesome you know." Our conversation was going great, just laughter and felt like we were really bonding. We finally get to Disneyland, and it was packed a whole lot of families and kids everywhere. We get on a few rides although the wait time seemed to be taking forever I was still having a great time.
"Hey I need to use the bathroom real quick so wait for me here Susy." I nodded and went to go sit by a bench. I was minding my business trying to take some selfies until I feel someone tap me on my shoulder.
"Hey I don't mean to bother you but you're really pretty"
I turn around to prolly one of the most sexy guys I've ever might have witnessed. I felt myself get stuck like I didn't know what to respond, I finally snapped back to reality and smiled and just said thanks
"So are you here by yourself?"
"Uh no, I'm here with a friend" I mean it's not like I was lying Adym is only my friend.
"So you're friend won't mind if I ask for your number?" I blushed and gave him my number, as soon as I was done I heard.
"Really bro back away from my girl!"
I look back to see Adym walking towards us really mad.
"Adym stop," I try to grab him by his arm so we can walk away, but he just moves away.
The other guy starter laughing and said, "yea man it's not that deep I was just asking the pretty lady a question"
At this point Adym looks pissed so I get in the middle of them
"Adym please let's go" I grab him and we both walk away.
"Susy what the fuck was that about?"
I feel stuck, I don't even know what to respond to Adym

*Do you guys have any suggestions on who this hot mystery guy could be? He will play a huge part in the story. Let me know who you guys would like him to be!

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