Chapter 1: The End

Start from the beginning

Gia: Kalea, I'm having such a hard time......

Kalea: What's wrong hun? ...... don't say Cory

Gia: That's part of it.... I think i'm failing school

Kalea: Oh, no ma'am. We have to graduate bro. Me, you, and Dahlia have to be rich doctors with fine husbands like on Married to Medicine, You know I love that show. Why don't you just leave him and transfer here? You're only twenty minutes from Atlanta anyway. You said yourself that things aren't working out between you two.

Gia: They aren't, but we have an apartment together with a lease. I can't just leave. Maybe things will get better once he graduates. Football is over, but he still goes to workouts, so that gives us some time apart.

Kalea: Wait... if he is graduating, why does he need to go to workouts? College football for him is over girl. Uh Uh, something ain't right. You need to check him

Gia: I thought the same thing, but I don't want to start an argument, but I have to go, I'm walking into the house now. ttyl.

Kalea: Smh. Later girl

She opened the door to find Cory sitting on the couch. He had no classes on Fridays, but it seemed as if he had done nothing to clean or fix up the house. He glanced up at Gia and gave a stern glare. "Who are you texting?" Cory asked as she walked in. "Nobody." she responded. "Well, if it's nobody, why'd you put your phone up so fast?" Gia was exhausted and honestly didn't want a repeat of the night before. She hoped him leaving would give her time to catch up on rest. "Look. Your clothes have been washed and they're ready for you. It's almost 3. You don't want to be late." He looked at her with confusion and then quickly answered, "Ohhh... workouts. They cancelled them. I'm home for the rest of the day." Gia knew something was going on, but didn't care to ask.

She walked towards the bedroom ready to collapse of exhaustion. Cory tailed behind her like a shark following prey. He watched from the door as she laid down her things to undress. As she began to remove her leggings, he wrapped his arms around her waist. He gave her a kiss in the nape of her neck. He barely kissed her anymore, so the feeling was strange. Gia knew all he wanted was sex, but she missed the affection nonetheless. She let her body sink into his, as he began to rub his hands down her legs and back up to her butt. He went to remove her underwear, and it seemed as if her body suddenly remembered how tired she was. She moved his hand from her waistband and turned to face him.

"Baby, can we just lay together? I'm so tired, but I want us to reconnect how we used to." she asked. He pushed away from her and gave an annoying stare. "Funny, you always say you want to rekindle things, but when was the last time you let me hit? You're always tired or not in the mood. Frankly, I'm getting sick of it!" Gia stepped back. Cory wasn't hard to want. He had the perfect body. He was 6'2 and light skinned. He had rippling muscles, and his beard complimented his gorgeous face perfectly. In the beginning, Gia felt so lucky to have him. Things changed so much over time. "We're always arguing! How is that going to make me feel? Do you think I would want to have sex with someone who is always so mean to me?"

"Well maybe if you did what you were supposed to do, then we wouldn't have those problems, but you just bitch and complain! What good are you?" She couldn't believe what she had heard. Gia knew he had to be joking, but the expression on his face read the opposite. "What good am I? Cory, I'm the only one working! You play football and sit on the game in between classes. I cook everything, clean everything, and its still not enough! Anything I ask for becomes an argument because of you, and then I'm the one to blame. You don't even seem happy with me anymore." she began to cry. It didn't phase him. "Well, maybe I would be happy with you if you just gave me some every now and then. Otherwise, what good is having a girlfriend?" Gia took a deep sigh as she agreed in defeat. "Okay, Cory. If that is the most important thing to you, then I'll give you what you want." She almost hoped her reluctance would make him reconsider, but he hopped at the opportunity. He gave a devilish grin and stepped back into her.

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