Chapter 1: The End

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Sunlight pierced through from the window between gaps in the curtains. February wind silently howled between the light snores of the two sleeping in the bed within. The alarm from the cell phone rang endlessly as Gia rolled over from her deep slumber. She grabbed her phone to cut it off, and as she peaked at the screen through squinted eyelids, she realized the time read 7:43 AM , and she instantly knew she'd be late for her 8 AM lecture again. She quickly jolted up and ran into the bathroom, hoping by some miracle that today wouldn't be like most days of going to class late, or not at all. After brushing her teeth, she quickly pushed her long black hair into a messy bun. She knew she didn't have much time, but she had to put on makeup to cover the enormous bags that developed under her eyes.

It would be no easy task, but she had to conceal the pain and frustration that showed on her face. Her eyes were still red and swollen from crying the night before. It had been like most nights were, but this time, the arguments lasted until almost five in the morning, and she had only been able to get a few hours of sleep. She packed on the foundation that matched her cocoa brown skin and quickly threw on a hoodie with leggings to head for the door. "Where are you going?" she heard as she grabbed her bag to leave. She let out a sigh of frustration and turned "Cory, you know I have lectures on Friday. Where else would I be going?"

"How would I remember? You barely go anymore, and why do you need to wear those tight ass leggings? Who are you really about to go see?" Her boyfriend, Cory, questioned from the door of their bedroom. He was unnecessarily jealous, but Gia couldn't understand the reason. She had never been dishonest or unfaithful to him in their relationship. "Cory, please don't start again. I'm just heading to class, and I really have to go. I'm already ten minutes late." He stared at her for a second, shook his head and headed back to bed. "Oh yea," he hollered as he headed back to bed, "wash my clothes when you get back, I have workouts at 3 today."

Gia rolled her eyes, but she kept quiet to avoid anymore drama. She knew he felt as though all his responsibilities were hers.She hopped into her car and drove off. She headed for campus, and managed to slip into class thirty minutes passed 8. As she sat in class, she couldn't help but to doze off slightly. She sat in the very front of the class, so there was no hiding it. "Am I boring you, Gia?" Professor Dautry called. "Oh, no sir. I apologize. I had a really long night of studying and time got away from me," she lied, " it won't happen again."

As lecture came to a close, Gia began to pack, but was stopped by her professor calling to her. "Gia if you could just stay a moment, I would love to speak with you." She gave out a reluctant sigh, because she knew what was about to follow. The last of her classmates filed out, and Gia approached her professor. "Yes, Professor Dautry?" "Gia, I know you are a very bright student. Being the director of the biology program here, I have the job of scouting out particular students that excel and stick out, and you have always been a shining student since your first year here. However, your performance and attendance in my class this semester has me genuinely concerned. Is everything okay?"

Gia's eyes lowered, because she knew that she had been performing terribly in all of her classes, but shame wouldn't allow her to tell anyone that her relationship with Cory had taken up all of her time and attention. It had gotten so toxic that she would go days without even getting out of bed to eat. Her already tiny frame began to slim under the stress. She took a deep breath as she fought back tears. "Professor Dautry, I know I haven't been giving my best, but I promise that I will try my hardest to get everything in order. I really appreciate you for caring." He knew she wasn't telling the entire story, but didn't want to press it. "It's still early in the semester. This is your last semester as a junior and you want to make it count. You're so close to finishing. Please don't give up." Gia forced a smile, "I won't, I promise."

She finished her other classes, but as she began to head home, dread washed over her. She never knew what mood to find Cory in, and since football season ended, he had more time to be home between classes. She really didn't have many people to vent to, so she picked up her phone to text one of her best friends.

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