just as it was getting good..

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This was the day, the day Noelle would finally confess to Susie! She had been nervous all week, practicing what she wanted to say and everything else a confession consisted of.

  With a constant blush on her face, she tapped her fingers against the wood of her desk, glacing at the clock every few seconds. Soon enough the bell would ring and school would be over for the day. It was also perfect since her  and Susie's lockers were right next to one-another.

  The big red bell vibrated on the wall, the ear-killing sound it generated sending butterflies  through Noelle, the very tips of her fingers tingling.

  Everybody walked out, Noelle watching from a bit away how (Y/n) and Kris left to their lockers further down the hall as Susie stayed at hers which was closer to the classroom. And with a final breath Noelle walked up to Susie.

  " H-hi Su-Sus-Susie.. ca-can i te-tell yo-u something..?" She asked, eyes averting downwards at the floor, focusing on anything but Susie. Susie nodded, grunting out a quick yes.

  " But it better be quick, i got some stuff to do.." She groaned, looking Noelle down into the floor with those sharp yellow eyes. Noelle swallowed the lump in her throat, pushing her eyelids together before she openly just said it.

  " I like you." And like a reflex she put her lips on Susie's. Susie didn't even have time to react...

  (Y/n) and Kris were walking back to Susie's locker to get her, seeing as the three of them were gonna go out to eat at McDonalds or something. They turned the corner that led to Susie's locker, (Y/n) soon hoping she'd have been there earlier.

  Noelle was kissing Susie, and Susie didn't even seem to mind. The heart that was so happily beating in her chest now fell into the deep depths of her stomach, breaking at they hit the bottom.

  (Y/n)'s eyes turned pure white, just like melting snow, her eyes watered as tears ran down her cheeks. Kris looked at (Y/n), trying to say something but now knowing what.

  " (Y/n) i-" He tried, taking her hand in his only for her to roughly pull away. Kris tried to catch her as she turned on her heel and ran away, quickly disappearing into thin air. Kris stood where she had teleported away, still holding a hand out for her.

  " WHY'D YOU DO THAT?!" Susie screamed as she finally came to her senses, looking down at Noelle with gritted teeth. Noelle backed a bit, looking up at Susie with tears brimming her eyes.

  " I like you and i thought you might've liked me too-" Before she could explain, Susie roared back as a response.

  " YOU FUCKING FREAK! IN WHAT WORLD WOULD I LIKE YOU?" She hissed, pushing Noelle away from her with a disgusted look on her face. Susie turned away from Noelle who had fallen down onto the floor in tears, holding her school books close to her body as she sobbed. Her eyes met Kris' figure, looking at him in a confused manner as it seemed like he was reaching out for something. She cocked her head to the side, walking over to his frozen figure. But then..

  She realized.
  " (Y/n).. " She breathed out, stopping in her tracks. Kris looked over at Susie, his face pale and his eyes watery. His eyes were somehow also that dusty silver color that (Y/n) eyes become when she's sad.

  " I've never seen her like that.. Her eyes were pure white, like snow. And just like melting ice, she was crying." Kris breathed out, staring at Susie. Susie's heart fell just like (Y/n)'s did only a couple moments ago, grabbing onto the fabric of her white shirt as tears formed in her eyes. An anger like nothing else arose inside of her stomach, bubbling upward as she turned to face Noelle.

  " You-" She hissed, pointing her index at Noelle's shaking form, feeling no remorse as the deer looked up at her with teary eyes. " And i thought you and (Y/n) were friends.." Susie shook her head. " Did you even see what you did to her?!" She screamed, baring her yellow teeth in anger. " Well sweets, lemme tell you something-" Susie started, walking over to Noelle and grabbing her collar harshly. " I would never, in a million years, in any universe, pick you-" She roughly pushed her finger into Noelle's chest. " over (Y/n)." She spat, throwing Noelle into the floor once more.

  Noelle sobbed into her hands, shoulders jumping up and down with every oxygen intake she took. Susie walked over to Kris who was just as mad at Noelle as Susie was, but unlike Susie he had a hard time expressing it physically. Him and Noelle met eyes, only for him to quickly glare and then look away.

  " We need to find (Y/n)." Susie said seriously, Kris nodding just as seriously. They jogged out of the school and headed toward (Y/n)'s house, hopefully she was there...

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