Part 1 - Emma

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Hi there :) the better half ( ;) ) @gymnastics_meg aka Megan or Megs/Megz here :)

Hey I just met you, and this is crazy,

But here's the fan-fic,

VOMMENT ALREADY!! hahahaha lol :)

Aren't I like, insanely intelligent?? :P


>>Megz or Megs...... or the bettermegan ;)


Emma's POV

"Harry! Hurry up! I want to go shopping!" I screamed and banged against the bathroom door, waiting for my best friend Harry Styles to finish his business.

Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Emma Heimsworth. I was 16. I had long blonde hair down to my waist and ocean blue eyes that were wide and according to Harry, honest. I was short, lean and muscular at the same time, so I was unnaturally strong. I had found this out when I had beaten all the boys at school at practically everything, even the dreaded beep test.

I wanted to go shopping for two reasons. One because we had organised this weeks ago and second; I needed some new clothes for school because I was growing out of my clothes, but I hadn't even grown upwards much. I came to the conclusion the clothes had shrunk.

"I'm coming!" Harry said as I heard the water running in the bathroom. Soon, the curly haired boy appeared, his brown hair was slightly askew before he ran his hands through it, fluffing it up. As he had once said, it made him look 'cooler'. I honestly thought he just looked like a dork, but over the years I had gotten used to it.

His green eyes were framed by his dimples which made him look like an adorable, cheeky boy, but his eyes would tell you the truth. I had always been able to tell when he was lying. Always.

"Can we go now?" I asked, pulling Harry by the hand towards the front door.

"Bye mum!" I yelled and I heard a muffle 'bye' coming from the kitchen as I dragged Harry out the door and over to his car.

Harry unlocked the passenger side door and opened it with a bow. I giggled.  

"Thank you kind sir," I curtseyed before I scrambled into the car, eager for a day out shopping.

"You are very welcome," Harry grinned before shutting the door and running over to his side, opening the door and stepping in.

He owned a BMW which was one of the smoothest cars I had ever driven in. 

He started the engine, making revving noises with his mouth and I laughed, clutching my stomach as he reversed out of the drive way.

Soon, we were headed towards the shopping centre.


"Seriously Harry? It is purple and you have tried on like 300 others!" I groaned as Harry held the purple hoodie from Jack Wills against his chest. Admittedly, it looked good, but he had already bought 7 and now he had seen it and was all like 'OMG'. It was extremely annoying.

"But I want to buy it as a present for someone," he whined as he gave me the puppy dog-eyed look.

"Fine," I agreed, folding my arms over each other as he hugged me before bounding over to the counter and buying the purple hoodie.

After a couple of minutes he came back over with another bag in his hands. He was holding 5, I was holding 6. What? A girl has her cravings. But he had bought more than me, that was for certain.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2012 ⏰

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