Promise To Listen (Jumin Han x Reader)

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A/N: Y'all ready for some ANGST?! I'm so tired, let's do this shit. I do not own Mystic Messenger, any of its characters, or the picture. Have fun!^w^

"Jumin, please! I can't stand seeing you like this!" Grasping your husband's arm before he could completely turn away from you, your concerned plea fell on annoyed ears. 

The male in question sighed, a steady throb growing in his temple. He was already so exhausted as it was and another argument with you over how much he was working was the last thing he needed at this point. "What would you have me do, (y/n)? Drop everything at such an important point to waste time with you?" Lost as he was in his own anger, Jumin didn't even register the words coming out of his mouth, turning to you with a harsh expression, unsympathetic of the hurt his thoughtless words caused. "Is that what you want from me? To neglect everything my family has worked so hard to build?"

"Jumin, you know that's not it at all! How could you say that?" You fought to control the pressure rising in your throat, knowing tears would only make matters worse. "Can't you see that I'm only worried about you? You come home so late and leave so early, you barely get any sleep! You're overworking yourself and it's hurting me to watch it happen! You have plenty of employees who can handle this for you or at the very least take some of the load! If you keep this up any longer you're going to destroy yourself and then what?" Jumin said nothing, his face turned away from yours, and you clutched his arm tighter. In an echo of the harsh words he'd spoken to you before, you asked, "What would you have me do, Jumin? Watch as the man I love kills himself?"

Something cold flashed in his steely gaze and he tore his arm from your grip. "You don't understand a thing, (y/n). This is bigger than me and if it requires all of my time and energy then so be it."

Your heart dropped like a stone as you desperately tried to reach out to him again. "Jumin, no-"

"If you can't understand the simple facts of the world I live in then I shouldn't have married you in the first place."

And with that he turned and left, leaving your heart shattered at your feet.

As you sobbed and cursed him, burying your face into a pillow, Jumin held his head in his hands at the same time, ruffling his dark hair and sick to his stomach with regret. His distress didn't go unnoticed as Driver Kim glanced at him in the rear view mirror.

"Sir, is everything alright? Do we need to turn back?"

Taking deep breaths to compose himself, Jumin shook his head. "No. Everything's fine. Keep going." Leaning back in his seat, he closed his eyes and tried to focus on something other than the image of your heartbroken face seared into his mind. Even if he did turn back there was no way you would want to see him right now. Not after what he had said to you. 

No matter how much he didn't mean it.

Opening his eyes and looking forward, Jumin squared his shoulders for what awaited him at work, focusing on the now. Later though, he would kneel at your feet and beg for forgiveness. Offer his heart on a silver platter. Do whatever it took to regain your love, because he knew he couldn't live without it.

As the wealthy heir's car continued toward C&R, it passed a well-dressed figure on the street, an individual who appeared to be just like all the other street-goers, completely normal...but whose intentions were most certainly not.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2019 ⏰

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