"So, you guys went on date's and hung out?" He blushed slightly and shook his head but before he could speak up a loud cracking noise echoed around us the sound making me think we were in a dome and it just broke.

"Mr Strange, what was that?" We both stood up and looked around at the rest of the Avengers.

"I don't know kid-" A blinding bright light shone across the distance getting closer towards us and then Everything went black.

Steve's POV

Leave it to Tony to start a fight with a mad titan again.

"CAP!" Looking towards Nat I caught my shield looking at it in a daze before running towards the weird creatures that Thanos sent. Around me, I could see everyone fighting but I soon spotted Tony shooting at Thanos with some floating thing. Technology these days.

"Thor! go help Tony" The god nodded and flew towards Thanos? I don't know he just jumped really high. Hitting the alien dogs around me I tried to get one of me as it latched onto my arm, but it was no use as I reached for my shield only to be attacked by more dogs. A big green hand reached out pulling the dogs off me with a loud roar.

"Thanks" The hulk nodded and jumped landed on more creatures.

Tony's POV

I could feel myself fly halfway across the damn field as Thanos punched me, but I got back up angrier than ever as I flew towards him. With a kick and a blast, I had Thanos kneeling as I stuck his arm to the floor he looked up with a smirk and spoke up.

"You think killing me will bring them back?" Growling I spotted Thor landing next to me holding Storm Breaker up.

"No, it won't but it will revenge them" With that, I nodded at Thor and before Thanos could stand back up Thor brought Storm Breaker down on his head, taking it off.

"You told me to go for the head" He whispered out down at the body.

"Gross" I kicked his body one last time as I pulled that gauntlet of, which took some time. With a Nod, Thor walked backwards then ran to fight the rest of the alien dogs.

"What to do with this... think Tony think!" Speaking to myself I thought of an Idea as I looked up seeing everyone start to walk towards me, Natasha killing the last dog.

"Friday if I blew this up and the stones do you think it would free them?" It was silent for a while until the A.I spoke up.

"It could work boss but then it is also possible it won't work, and it could also kill you in the process" Debating for a while I threw the glove on the floor pulling out one of my canons.

"Fuck it" Activating the canon I shot the glove but before I could even see what happened everything went black.

Steve's POV

"TONY!" My warning was too late, he had already shot the gun causing a giant white explosion, shooting us backwards. After my eyesight focused again I sat up spotting Natasha laying unmoving.

"Nat?!" Checking her pulse, I was glad to know she was still breathing as she started to wake up. If the blast knocked out Natasha what about Tony. Standing up I ran towards where he was stood only to find a crater with the man laid in it, suit in pieces.

"Tony wake up" Getting no response the others started to run towards me.

"TONY!" Shaking his shoulders and still getting no response I stood up and shouted at the others.


"Tony please don't do this, wake up now. That's an order" Bruce appeared beside me feeling his friend's pulse, dropping his hand he held his head in his arms shaking his head.

Irondad: RedeemedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz