*Intro* (new sequel to family troubles)

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A/N: this chapter isn't what you think it is. I will say I have used several quotes from google, and some are just in different wording to fit the story. If you want to know the real authors let me know! I also want to wish everyone a very happy new year! I hope 2019 is amazing for you all X-C


"It's not always easy, but that's life. Be strong. Know that there are better days ahead" Niall silently repeated in the mirror the staring at his forehead where a scar still remained.

That scar represented a lot to him. It represented hate, pain, but also strength. Without that scare his family wouldn't have grown closer, but with that scar is also how he got to the exact moment he was in... at least it explained how low he felt.

"Life's not easy... strong... better days" tears began to flow from his eyes as he tried to let the Mantra stick, but instead the words just rolled off like rain off the window during a thunder storm.

He stared at his reflection in the mirror; subconsciously rubbing at his wrists. A red mark appearing from the intense pressure; that just seemed to amplify inside him.


A sudden knock on the door made him jump, his eyes going to the razor that lay near the sink.

"Honey? Are you okay?" Louis asked calmly. "Will you please open the door bud?" He added kindly.

New rules had been put in place since Niall had been home. Doors weren't to be shut for long periods of time, Niall wasn't to be alone for long periods of time, and they even started to lock the cabinets with their knives or sharp objects.

"Just a minute" he called alarm rising in his voice. He quickly put the razor back, and stared at himself in the mirror. 

Not today...


It was definitely a better opportunity than going to an actual home, but his home was more like a jail cell.

He felt suffocated, and as much as he loved all the support, and attention it could become a bit too much... especially when sometimes it all felt fake.

"Honey are you sure your okay?" Louis asked once more.

"I'm fine" he tried to stop his voice from wavering, but he couldn't control it.


Today was one of those days where he literally just couldn't handle it. He'd received some upsetting news; that in all reality was figured, but it didn't make it any easier to hear.

There were just too many set backs, and with a razor lying idly in the sink everything just came rushing back.

"No.... please papa I I can't! I can't" he opened the door and fell into Louis' unsuspecting arms.

"Oh baby what's wrong?" Louis frowned gently allowing himself and Niall to sink to the floor. Holding the shaking boy in a gentle but firm embrace.

"I can't handle this... I'm not ready... I'm not ready... too much! It's not easy, it doesn't get better! What days will be better?!" He cried quoting bits and pieces of the mantra he learned.

"Baby look at me okay?" Louis made sure Niall's tear stained face stared into his.

"Your not in this alone. We are a family, and as a family we are the anchor that holds all through all of life's storms. Nothing that happens will ever just be on you any more baby. I know that it hasn't been easy being home for you, and as a family we're still adjusting, but I promise one thing that no matter what happens we are a family, and we will stay together because family isn't just important... it's everything"

Niall held tight to Louis his sobs slowly turning into soft whimpers, as he began to calm down. Louis' words finally resonating in his brain.

With everything they have faced in the past year and a half; family was literally everything. Life isn't easy, buts it worth figuring out. All it took was understanding that your circumstances suck, but life doesn't.


A/N: I decided to restart the sequel to family troubles, and I must say I am so excited to see where this story takes! I know a lot of you enjoyed overcoming, but I promise some ideas, and parts will be included In this. I hope you have all had a merry Christmas, and a happy new year! Let's make 2019 amazing!

<<Also big question would anyone be interested in making a new story cover for this sequel? If so just message me!>>

As usual please let me know your thoughts on this chapter, and any ideas are welcome!! I love you all, and remember I'm always here for you guys! X-C

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