Chapter 4

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Alex Boosts My Non-Existent Ego

When I opened my eyes I found Alex Fierro sitting beside me, knitting. Recently he'd started knitting claiming it was to expand his artistic endeavors, but personally I think he just liked it because it included two ponty metal objects that had the potential to be used for stabbing.

"For a son of Frey, you sure sleep in." Alex commented, noticing I was awake.

"Just because we're in the woods doesn't mean I have to get up with the sun." I grumbled, pulling myself into a sitting position. We were outside, I must have fallen asleep out here. I hoped Alex hadn't left me for the tent in the middle of the night. I looked down, "You brought me a blanket?"

"I didn't want you to get cold." Alex said with a shrug, today he was wearing a reddish short sleeve button up shirt and army green shorts. On top of that, he had a different energy today, "Are you male?" I asked.

Alex smirked at me, "You're getting good Chase."

I felt myself smiling, "So... What are we doing today? Should we look for a way back home?"

The son of Loki shook his head, "We're staying here." He said firmly, "Until we're all adventured out."


"Look beantown, we both need a break, being dead is exhausting. Let's just take this chance to relax instead of worrying."

"How can we relax if we're in the middle of nowhere?"

"Like this." He said, leaning against me. He looked up at the tops of the trees. "What's on your mind, Chase?"

"Do you actually want to know, or you're just trying to distract me to stop me from worrying."


"Well," I started, "Besides being worried about being lost in the woods... I guess I have been wanting to talk to you."

Alex looked up, "About what?"

"Um... us."

He arched an eyebrow, "Us?" He questioned.

I nodded, not sure where to start. "I just... I want to know..." I felt at a loss for words, "You like me, right?" I blurted.

Alex stared at me for a moment, causing my heart beat to quicken. He let out a gentle laugh, "I thought was obvious. I mean I wouldn't just set up camp for just anybody." He met my eyes and gave me one of his wicked grins, "Although, I suppose you're so emotionally incapacitated you wouldn't know the difference between-"

I cut him off, "Why?"

He put his knitting down and studied me,  "What do you mean why?"

"Why do you like me?"

"Because you're you." He said simply, but I wanted to know more. I knew I liked him but the reason for that was obvious, he was Alex Fierro. But I was just Magnus Chase, the son of Frey, a clueless healer from floor nineteen who was lucky enough to exist at the same time at him. I honestly didn't understand what Alex saw in me, why he put up with me and my emotionally incapacitated ways.

hi i'm back and i don't like how i wrote this chapter because magnus doesn't think like that but it's all i have

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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