Alfred let his head and face collide with the desk. He was so tired, hungry, and just in pain. But this was all worth it, right? He was getting strong again..

The kidnappers- his family- no kidnappers- yeah, that's what they were. They had made him weak. It was like they were trying to bring him down. But his boss was helping him, giving him a second chance, such a nice- such a.... Let's just say understanding. He was such an understanding guy. 

He was just being a bit scary for his benefit.... Yeah.

America gulped, yeah.... 

The door opened and the boy tensed. If the person suspected he had been crying or showed any sign of weakness.....

He sat up.

Why was the President here?

"Sir," He nodded, "Is there something you needed?"

The Pres nodded, "I decided, you should be done with the paperwork by now." His gaze hardened, "You are, aren't you America?"

Alfred let out a shaky breath and shyly nodded, "Yes sir. I just finished." He motioned to the large pile of papers.

The President looked at it and nodded, "Very nice." He walked to the door and motioned someone in. 

In came a chef, carrying his dinner. America felt like backing away, did the President delay his dinner? He forced himself to not shake.

So if he hadn't finished.... He wouldn't have gotten fed? That was kinda much.... And the orginal time had been 10pm and wasn't even told of the change...

His family.... The kidnappers wouldn't have done that....

No.. the Pres was just acting in his best interest......... but it was starting to feel so fake...

He watched his boss motion for two agents to come take the work. When one struggled with a pile, his boss motioned for another agent to come and help him with it.

Why hadn't he done that for him?

America held back a whimper.... No, stop. This was just all part of the process to becoming strong again, yeah......

But he was starting to not like it very much....

The kidnappers- his family- the kidnappers hadn't done that. 

The chef put down the food (A chicken leg and mashed potatoes) on his desk and nodded at him before stepping out. But for some reason, it looked like he was hinting something at America as he nodded. His boss was about to follow.

"Sir," America called, "Since I finished with the work...." He was a bit nervous, "Can I get more food.." The President looked at him and America fought the urge to flinch, "Or... or get to go outside? Or at least have the lock on the window removed?"

He had to ask for these things...... The United States of America had to ask for these simple things...

But hey, it was all part of the process. He was the only superpower, and the only superpower had to be strong.

And this was the only way for that to happen...

Or that's at least what he was being forced to believe.

The President started to think, should he fulfill one of those requests? He looked at America, "I was told that you whimpered today when you dropped your papers....."

America resisted the urge to back away.

"I told you Alfred, we can't have you weak... So because of that. I will not allow any of the requests you asked."

America bit his lip so he wouldn't cry and looked down.


He looked up.

"You have work tomorrow, so if you finish that on time and without any signs of weakness. I will grant one of those requests."

Why did it feel so fake now? Ever since he realized they were taking his freedom of choice away. Everything seemed so fake all of a sudden.

"Thank you sir," He nodded. This wasn't fair, he had finished the work..... All of it... "And may I ask why you decided to change the due time?" 

The President had walked to the door but turned when he asked that question, "As the superpower, you should be prepared and ready for anything. No matter how early. I expect you ready tomorrow too. Is that a problem with you?" He had a certain tone in his voice.

Alfred slightly backed away, "No sir," He shook his head.

"Good," He turned and left the room. 

Alfred waited to see if he would come back in before sighing and laying his head on the desk....... He suddenly remembered something.

What had the chef been motioning too?

He looked around, before looking down. And his stomach dropped. Oh God...

It was a paper from the pile of work.... If the President had seen it..... He wouldn't have gotten fed.

He shook, thankfully he hadn't seen it and the chef had kept silent and even tried to warn him. 

But still, he couldn't help but start crying and shaking even more. This.... This wasn't fair.... If the paper had been seen....

Why was this happening? What was up with the change in everyone's behavior since he'd been back?

He grabbed it and stuffed it into his pocket, still shaking... He had been so close and it scared him.. The consequences.... It just scared him...

The kidnappers... the betrayers... no.... His family wouldn't have done that..


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