Chapter 2

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Ward suddenly woke up from the vibrating noise of a phone. He put his hand to his head and rubbed his temples in soothing a motion, his head was pounding.

Ward soon snapped to attention and rolled over as he reached to grab his phone. "Hello?" He said, his voice raspy from all the dust that surrounded him.

"Ward! Your alive." Skye's voice shouted through the phone. "We all thought you were gone for a second there." Skye told him, her voice dropping.

"Yeah well I am definitely alive." Ward said. He looked around, the place looked like it had been bombed. The cement from the walls lay crumbled on the floor, the roof had caved in, though from where he was the seemed to be stable and bits of debris was scattered on the floor.

"Did you just make a joke?" Skye asked questioning what she had just heard.

"No." Ward began to get up, a pain shot through him. "I made a comment." he said through gritted teeth.

"You okay?" Skye asked, worried as she heard his voice stiffen when he talked.

"I'm fine. Just a few broken ribs." Ward leaned up against the wall and held his stomach tightly.

Skye thought that it would be the best to not ask if he was going to be okay because this was Ward she was talking about, her robot. "Well we have got to get you out of there."

Ward waited 10 seconds before there was a response.

"There should be a emergency exit door to your left." She told him.

Ward looked over his left shoulder and saw the door. He held his chest tightly and began to slowly make his way over to the door, holding his arm out for support.

Once Ward had made it through the door Skye gave him another set of orders. "Now continue straight ahead, taking the stairs to your left until you find another door. That's your way out, May will have the Bus ready waiting for you outside. I will see you then." Skye told him just before she hung up.

Ward stopped for a moment, placing his phone in his pocket. May. Every muscle in his body tightened, he could feel sweat dripping down his neck. I need you to bring me the Cavalry. Ward took a deep breath before following Skye's instructions and stopping at the bottom of the stairs.

"Stairs. Really." Ward mumbled as he reached out for the railing, that felt cold against his sweaty palms. He took a step and cringed at the pain that shot through but he pushed that a side and continued on his way.

Ward had reached the top of stairs with a struggle but still managed. He then went through the door and walked outside. The sun hit his eyes straight on making him squint to adjust to the sunlight, the airfield before him seemed to have missed the destruction of the bomb because it was left unscathed.

Skye could see Ward from the cargo ramp that had been lowered, he looked like he was in a great amount of pain. He had a cut on his face, with a few bruises and he was holding his ribs tightly. Skye ran down the ramp to meet Ward. "I really don't think okay would justify this." Skye said as she raised an eyebrow, taking his arm to support him while he walked.

Ward smiled at Skye as she held his arm. They both walked silently up the ramp to be greeted by Fitzsimmons.
"Ward! We didn't know if you were alive or not." Jemma exclaimed. "You could have died!"

"Simmons." Skye said giving her pointed look. Jemma had her mouth open to say something more but closed it when Skye looked at her. Fitz placed a hand on her shoulder. "Lets get you cleaned up than."

The two science twins headed in the lab side by side followed by Ward and Skye. Skye helped Ward sit down on the stool and he took of his shirt to reveal badly bruised ribs. Fitz grabbed the first aid kit.

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