Chapter 16 ~ Happiness?

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I wake up in the middle of the night, oh not night, just before sunrise. I'm thinking about Mark, I check my phone, no messages. I send him a hello, wait half an hour for a response back, his rarely on since his at home with his family

'Why are you awake?'

'I woke up half an hour ago and couldn't get back to sleep'


'No, no idea why'

'Okay then'

'Want to FaceTime?'

'I can't, laying next to wife, she's not asleep yet' The thought of them next to each other comes to my mind, I really want to know what she looks like! But I'm afraid I will never have the balls to ask him. I start typing

'For you this is just a pass time. Just a little fun, cause you do have your own life. You do wake up next to someone. You can do as you please...But for me, this means everything and I really wish it didn't, because I hate the feelings I have for you. I wish I didn't so this didn't hurt me, especially when your not around. I try my best to distance myself but I'm incapable...I quickly delete the message and send

'K' I hope he wasn't watching me as I type

'Something wrong?'

'No just tired, goodnight'

'Sweet dreams babe'

I wake up ready for the weekend, I get up to take Harry and Claire for a walk, mum and dad are sitting on the lounge watching tv

"You guys wanna come?" They both say no "You guys never want to do anything"

"Ahh well" Dad replies back. I grab Harry and walk outside with Claire

"Why don't they want to do anything, we don't go movies or for dinner, Emily's mummy and daddy always go out with her" (Emily is Claire's best friend)

"I don't know Claire, mum and dad are getting old I guess" She starts laughing

"Do Sarah and Susie mummy and daddy go out with them?"

"Yes, they are always going out" I chuckle at that, all them expensive holidays. When we get back home Claire and I become couch potatoes and watch tv

"Wanna go for a bike ride later?" I ask Claire

"Yes!" She says excitingly

Sarah 'Kate can we see you, I called the house and your mum said you are walking Harry, call me when you get home' I go to my room and call Sarah

"Explain" Is her first word

"Okay, I've been busy with that online guy, anyway his name is Mark, plus work has been ehh"

"Whats been happening?"

"I can tell you cause you been in a similar situation but Susie hasn't so don't tell her"


"Well I have feelings for him and I think he does for me too, but, married and its just complicated and I fucking haven't spoken to Jack oh my god!"

"Breathe Kate! Try not to think about it too much, as long as it works it doesn't matter why or how, but you can't lock yourself up in your room just speaking to him, thats not right"

"I know, I know, later lets all go for a bike ride with Claire, tell Susie"

"Sounds like a plan" We end our call and I go back outside and mum comes up to me


"Yes?" I ask

"You're acting weird, whats up with you?" My heart races at her question, I try calm myself down so she doesn't get sus, if she were to find out, I don't want to think about what would happen to me!

"Nothing why?"

"You're always in your room, on the phone or outside but your actually happy, never seen you so happy. Like a new girl has come into this house"


"Even dad can see" "But you're not going out with the girls"

"I just been thinking about the promotion at work and I am, today actually"

"Ahh okay" She smiles and walks away. What a close one! I sit outside with Harry and get a message from Mark, I'm excited about it since he hasn't messaged me all day

'Hi Kate, today I am out with the wife for a weekend away. My boy is at his friends place. Have a fantastic weekend. You should go out with Jack' I'm about to throw my phone against the wall but I stop myself and sigh. I DON'T WANT JACK I WANT YOU, IDIOT!

'Enjoy yourself and yeah I might ask him if he wants to do anything'

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