Chapter 7 ~ Butterflies

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I get up full of energy. I slept really well and I'm ready for the day. This never happens so its gonna be a good day. I get ready and before I know it I'm at work. Ahh that sweet smell of grounded coffee beans, I can't get enough of it

"Morning everyone"

"Hey Kate" Everyone says in sync. Today I decide to leave the paperwork and focus on prepping all the food and making coffees. Its a busy day and we are all rushing. I can see Ben is stressed so I put the music on, it always calms him down. He turns to me and smiles. Once it dies down I go back to my desk. 3.30 pm already and I didn't even have lunch

"Hey Kate" Says Amanda

"Hey sweetie"

"I'm just asking if you want lunch?"

"You read my mind! I would love it thanks"

"Okay I will grab you a BLT sandwich?"

"Perfect" She leaves and comes back with my sandwich, a chocolate shake and a blueberry muffin. She knows my favourite meal!

"Thank you Amanda, hey listen, if you want you can go home, we shouldn't be busy anymore, or if you want you can stay"

"Oh thank you, I really need to get home and do an assignment"

"You could of told me, I would of given you the day off"

"Its fine, cya Kate"

"Bye Amanda" I start on my lunch then my phone rings, its Mark! Why? I answer it

"Hello" I say

"Am I disturbing you?"

"No I'm just having my lunch"

"Okay, I just wanted to chat, wanted to hear your voice"

"Aww thats cute, well how you doing?"

"Good now"

"You seem comfy in bed, late there?"

"5 am, the wife's out with her friends so I have the whole bed to myself"

"Swell" The image of them laying in bed next to each other comes to my head, I wonder what she looks like, she must be very pretty. I sigh to myself. Wait, why is he awake, he has to get up for work in a few hours

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing why?"

"You looked disturbed"

"No I'm alright"

"I shouldn't be calling you at work"

"Its fine, its not even busy, plus I'm on my break"

"Okay" He smiles. We chat for a while longer then I get off the phone and go back to work. I send everyone home then close up shop, its a warm evening and its not windy at all. I sit on the bench outside and check my phone. Oh more of Mark

'Can I call you?'


'You at work?' Well no shit. One more message, was after I got off the phone with him

'Sent you a photo:' Its a pic of the sunrise, so pretty!

'I took this just before I went to sleep, was going to show you but you needed to get off' I write back to him now

'Thats a very pretty pic'

'Thanks babes' He replies insanely

'How's you?' I ask

'Gud, hru?'

'Guuuud too'

'What are you doing tonight?'

'Nothing really'

'You want to FaceTime?' Really, again. I get those butterflies in my stomach again. I love talking to him, we really click and have so much in common. I have a big grin on my face and my cheeks are warm

'I do'


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