Chapter 8 ~ Long calls

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"Hello" He says with a smile, his at work

"Hey" I say back. For a moment its pure silence and we are staring into each others eyes. My butterflies are getting more vicious. I'm nervous but his warm eyes calm me down

"You are so pretty" He finally said something

"Thanks" I smile "And you are stunning"

"Thank you sweetie". I'm laying on outdoor sofa bed just staring at him. He gets a call and answers it. I wave to him, to tell him I'm gonna let him go but he shakes his head, he doesn't want to get off the phone with me. I wait around 5 more minutes and he gets off

"Sorry, just a client complaining about his leaking sink"

"I heard haha"

"Now, where were we?"


"Thats right, me looking at your pretty face haha" He winks at me and I wink back. For the rest of the night I show him my backyard then lie on the lush green grass, I put the phone down so he can see the stars too. We lay there just staring up and talking, he tells me a lot about his family and I tell him about mine. We ask each other more questions and really get to know one another.

"Katie, come inside, its midnight!" Mum shouts from the door

"Okay mum" I reply

"Time for you to go then?"

"Yes sadly, heck, I didn't even realise the time, we have been talking for hours!"

"Ha! Yes we have, well darling, this was a lot of fun. Have a goodnight" He kisses the camera

"It certainly was" I kiss the camera back


"Bye Mark" I hang up, I feel all warm and happy inside. I go to bed just thinking about him. Then it hits me, I'm starting to catch feelings for this man, this rarely happens so what the fuck?

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