Chapter 7: Lexi's dilemma

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Lexi's pov*

After staying at the training field for a few weeks, Lena has mastered most of her powers. She still has to practice, but she is pretty good now. We haven't been bothered by my douchebag of a mate either and our parents are coming home soon. I pack up the few things that we returned home to get as Lena puts the beds she made back into the ground. When we are done, we start towards the barrier we put up. I lower one section so we can cross and put it back up when we are on the other side. We look around cautiously then, seeing no threat, we take off full speed towards home. After running for about 30 minutes, Lena is exhausted because she hasn't shifted yet so when we near the edge of the woods bordering our house, she collapsed. I sniffed the air and, after smelling no new scents, called upon the earth to raise her to her bedroom window which, coincidentally, had been left open. Once she was safely inside, along with me, I checked the doors and windows and made sure they were locked then brought Lena to her bed and then got her some chicken noodle soup. It was about 4:00 PM and mom and dad will be home by 6:00 PM so we had some time to kill. When Lena was all rested up, we went downstairs to play Mario Cart on the Wii. I guess we both drifted off because i woke up to car doors shutting and two fresh scents. I growled lowly and Sarafine took over. You know how wolves move their hips more than humans when they walk? Well, that's how werewolves walk when they let their wolves take human form. Most wolves only have one form but Sara, being a protector and all, has a human form. But back to reality, as Sara walked to the door, crouching low and making no sound, my hair became curlier and longer, my skin became tanner, and my eyes turned green. That was Sara's human form. She sniffed the air and said in her especially elegant voice, "False alarm. your parents are home," then let me take back control. My hair returned to normal and my eyes were blue again. Ever wonder what it's like to have your body taken control of? Well, it's not as bad as you think. It's just like you can see what your doing and you know you're awake, but you have no control over your body. But since Sara is a protector, she doesn't take over, she comes to the front and i'm transported to the part of my brain that she is always in. Anyways, when i was back in my form, I ran to Lena and shook her vigorously until she woke up then screamed her face, "WAKE UP MOM AND DAD ARE HOME!!" She bolted awake then ran outside and I heard a *thump* followed by laughter. I took a deep breath and put a fake smile on as I walked outside. If only she knew.


Lena's pov*


 After mom and dad unpacked, I went up to Lexi's room while they made dinner. She was laying on her bed counting the glow-in-the-dark stars we both have on our ceilings in our rooms. I noticed earlier, when we were welcoming our parents back, that her smile was clearly forced. My parents didn't seem to notice, though so I decide to ask her about it. "Hey, Lexi?"I asked curiously.

"Yes?" she answered, not looking away from her ceiling.

"Earlier, when we were welcoming back mom and dad, why weren't you happy?"

"What are you talking about? Of  course i'm happy they're back!"

"Lexi, hon, your smile was forced." I really don't know why I call people hon. I've just always done it.

"Sweety, no. I am happy mom and dad are home. I'm just sad that we won't be able to practice daily anymore. I thought it was fun."

"Oh, me too. I guess that's all then. Bye!" I said happily. I'm glad that issue is resolved.


Lexi's pov*


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