Chapter 3: Lena's new powers

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Lena's pov


"Rose?" I asked my wolf.

'Yes, Lena?' she replied after a second.

"Why do I feel like you're keeping something from me?"

'I don't know....' She trailed off, indicating that she was lying.

"Rose, you're a bad liar. Please tell me what you don't want me to know." she sihed and i knew that i had won.

'Fine, I'll tell you, something is going to happen today.'

"Like......?" I trailed off, telling her to continue.

'Well, remember how you got me when you were three?'


'Well, something along the lines of that will happen.'

"So... I'm getting another 'wolf'?!"

'Uh, no.' She answered , obviously irritated.

"Well, what then?" I asked, clearly annoyed.

'I've told you all I can, so you will just have to wait.'

"Well...can I at least know what time?"

'I truly don't know that much, only that it is today.'

"Okay then.... will I know it is happening?"

'Oh, most definitely, Lena.'

"Will it hurt?"

'No, it will feel...... natural. but that is all I can tell you, and I must go.'

"Whatever, Rose. Talk to you later."

"Uuuggghhhhhhhhhh!" I grunted as I flopped down on my bed. I glancd at the alarm clock and it read 1:14. "Well, I'm not getting back to sleep." So I got up, grabbed Oreo, and went downstairs to make a midnight snack. I grabbed a package of cheese and crackers, then went into the living room to pet Oreo in the dark. I love the dark.



"Huh?" I mumbled sleepily.


"Oreooooo, I was sleepingggg!" I grumble as I get up and open the door to let Oreo out. He just stood there and looked outside and walked into the kitchen."Come on, Oreo! You could have just stuck your head out of the cat door!"

"Lena, are you yelling at the cat again?!" My dad called from the kitchen.

"He literally just meowed me awake to go outside then walked away, dad." I expain.

"You know our house raises weird cats, Lena." my dad jokes.

"Yeah, people too." I mumble under my breath.

"What?" He asks.

"What?" I repeat. I do that to annoy people. It's very effective. My dad sighs and turns back to the stove. "Wacha cooking?"

"Bacon, eggs, bacon, bacon, toast and more bacon. Oh, and bacon!" he says, knowing how much I love bacon.

I hover over his shoulder, knowing he hates this, and steal a piece of bacon.

"Ow, ow, ow! Hawt, hawt!" I yell with my mouth full of hot bacon.

"Thats why you don't eat hot bacon, Lena." my dad chuckles.

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