But before the man could even finish the sentence, Yukhei eagerly interrupts him. "On it!" A surprised squeal left Lisa as she was suddenly twirled around and with her now husband's arms tightly around her waist, making sure she wouldn't fall to the ground before anything.

Yukhei places his lips happily onto Lisa's, her own lips forming a smile, more tears escpaing her eyes and Yukhei's as she kisses the male back and slithering her arm around his neck, holding onto him, earning screams of happiness and whistles from everyone who clapped. They stay in the same position for another minute until separating, both of them laughing at their own actions until Lisa is once again surprised when having the male lift her in his arms and walk them both down the aisle.


The wedding party was in the lounge of one of the tallest buildings in the city, to it went unknown to Lisa since everything had mostly been organised by her parents and Yukhei's and their friends.

After some time talking to the guests and thanking people for coming to the wedding, Yukhei's best man, Kun came to get everyone's attention alongside Chaeyoung as everyone sat themselves down but the pair called up the new married couple.

"Okay, so, I've been waiting for this part of the evening all." Chaeyoung starts. "It's now time for Lisa and Yukhei to read their vows to each other!" Kun continues and all the guests start to clap. The couple were side by side to one another and smiling widely to themselves until they were separated and given their scripts that they wrote separately for each other.

Chaeyoung and Kun decided for the both of them who would go first, and it came down to rock, paper, scissors between the comedic duo and Lisa had to go first thanks to Chaeyoung losing.

She was handed a microphone and she stares down at the paper, counting how many pages her words managed to fit in and she hisses. "Okay... how much time does everyone have?" People burst laughing and even herself, until she breathes in and starts to read out loud her script she dedicated to Yukhei.

"First of all, I guess I will not only thank everyone for coming, but mainly the person who got us involved in this and has been a great help in getting us together since day one— Ten this is for you." Everyone chuckles. "Me and this one man, we can be opposites at some times, like I tends to take my time over doing things, think things through carefully and do them properly, whereas Yukhei tends to do lots of stuff really quickly. So now we've got the best of both worlds; we get things done very slowly and make lots of mistakes. He's also hilarious and has some very technical phrases. Some of my favourite technical phrases include, I know I left the car here somewhere; no, I don't understand how it works either; and, I seem to have lost your cousins again. But now... I am going to soften up a bit. Yukhei... No matter how much I show or say how much I love you, it will never be enough. It really isn't. Even if I say to you 'I love you' every morning, kiss you goodbye to work and kiss you when you come back, in general being near you, to me, it doesn't really show how much I love you. I love you more than you can imagine, more than anything in the world, sorry mum and dad, I can't really compare my love for him with my love for you guys. But... I've got to say, everything about him is just... beyond words. May I say that his parents have raised him really and are also lovely, lovely people. Yukhei, thank you, for staying by my side, you were always there for me when I needed you, during the possible and the impossible, during ups and downs, and even our fights, when I'm screaming at the top of my lungs how I want to give up out of frustration but somehow, you always make me just want to come back to you. Our life may not be a bed of roses, but I can that this man who I said yes to really late in the night after having him freak me out, he will make me the happiest woman on earth."

"You trying to pick up a fight?" Chaeyoung interrupts quickly and softly with a smile on her face, having everyone burst out laughing and even Lisa, who right after joked along with a 'yes', before ending the speech as she faced Yukhei who had tears once again brimming his eyes.

"So, Yukhei, I hope you're alright with having me from now on because I am definitely not going anywhere anytime soon." Everyone claps at the end of her speech, Chaeyoung passes the microphone she'd gotten from Kun to the groom, who sucked up his tears and stares at his wife lovingly who smiles widely at him.

He sighs into the microphone and facing the crowd. "Basically, my speech compared to hers is not so good but still with love, okay?" He jokes and dramatically coughs to starts. "Lisa already stole the first part, thank you Ten-hyung for all of this, I don't know what it would've been without his help to be honest."The male who was sat far back once again pats himself on the shoulder, earning a few chuckles from around him.

"It still amazes me, to be honest, how did I get such a woman to myself? From someone in the crowd to an idol, from an idol to a fanboy, and from a fanboy to married man with the woman of his dreams— I can finally say that now. I also need to thank you Lisa's parents, Sunan and Marco, these people are absolutely amazing and no wonder my wife is the same. Lisa is what I'd to call, the embodiment of perfect — even with the tiniest flaws. She has curing smile that makes me nervous even now,  it feels like every time I see her, I can't get enough, you can even ask Lisa herself, but I cannot go without a full day passing by without having some sort of interacton with her. These last few days apart each other went by painfully slow and I wanted to run away from the dorm to find her, but I didn't know where she was. And now, it might get a bit emotional, which is unusual of my part and feel free to throw me a tissue. Lisa... if it is true that women are like stars, with so many to pick from but only one who can make your dreams come true then, Lisa is my one true star and I can't wait for the rest of our dreams to come true. I'm going to recite you a poem to let you know how much more you mean to me: I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I'm with you I love you not only for what you have made yourself as for what you have made of me I love you for the part of me that you bring out. I love you for putting your hand in my heaped up heart and passing over all the foolish weak things that are held dimly there, and for drawing out into the light all the beautiful belongings, that no-one else had looked quite far enough to find. I love you because you have helped me to make my life a beautiful life worth living I love because you have done more than anyone could have done to make me good and more than any fate could have done to make me happy."

He stops briefly to quickly wide away the tears that were accumulating and also trying to control his voice, careful not to let it break as he continued to speak. "...They say you don't marry the woman you can't live with you marry the woman you can't live without and for me that's you, Lisa. So..." No matter how much he tried, the tears wouldn't stop themselves. "I am definitely not going anywhere, either because I love you too much."

They make their way into each others arms, crying in unison as everyone claps, they whisper 'thank-you's and 'I love you's into each other's ears before pulling away and once again sharing a passionate kiss, for the second time that day sealing their contract to one another.

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