Chapter 6: Sorted Out

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Chapter 6: Sorted Out

"So, let me get this straight, Mr. Hobbs."

Russel had brought Noodle in to see a professional. She was now over on the carpet, doodling on a piece of paper that was given to her by the man. She seemed happy and very confident in what she was drawing.

"This girl showed up in a FedEx crate, she does not know where she is or where she came from, she cannot speak English, and she says her name is... Noodle?" the man, whose name was actually Benjamin, asked.

Russel nodded.

"Noodle" seems to be the only English word she knows. And she kept repeating it and pointing at herself, so, I guess it's her name." he added to the nod.

Ben shuffled the papers. He also straightened up his glasses and crossed his legs. He stole one glance at Noodle over on the floor. She was still colouring, and she also started to hum just a little bit.

"And you wish to keep this girl?" he asked,

Russel nodded. He couldn't say he was convinced by Murdoc to keep her, Ben would probably freak out. He knew Ben faintly, because he saw Murdoc get into a bar brawl with him once, of course it was the Satanist's fault because he was extremely drunk and started it.

"Why?" Ben asked, catching Russel out of his thoughts.

The black man rubbed his bald head and sighed. He looked over at the sweet little Japanese girl behind him. She seemed so happy with her drawing and whatever song was stuck in her head, this made him smile graciously at her.

"Well, let's just say I need a little sunshine in my life. And Noodle is... the sunshine I've been looking for."

He wasn't lying. As well as her badass guitar skills, he also adored how small and cute she was, not to mention she'd make good sister material for 2-D. That man deserved more happiness considering that he's been through hell since Murdoc recruited him for the band. And by recruited, he meant forced into being the lead singer and being cheated on by the bassist. Either way, everyone could have some happiness. Russel wasn't sure about Murdoc being exactly "happy" in the same way they were about Noodle being with them, but he seemed sincere about keeping his word to assist in taking care of her.

"Besides," Russel added. "I think she's already emotionally attached to us, so, it'd be kinda bad to tear her away."

Ben nodded and looked over at Noodle once more.

"Mr. Hobbs, you live with two other men? Stuart Pot and... Murdoc Niccals?"

Russel's palms grew sweaty, but he nodded all the same.

"And you think it's a good idea to raise a 10 year old girl in the same home as him?" Ben asked.

Russel sighed.

"No, I think it's a horrible idea. The worst one ever, because I know how terrible Muds is... But, I also have never known him to hit a kid. Besides, he seemed pleased to the fact that she liked us."

Ben placed his glasses on his face and his eyes scanned the papers on his desk. He saw information about the three men that wanted this girl so badly.

Russel Hobbs, nice guy with excellent manners, expelled from school, due to demon possessions, only survivor in a school shooting.

Stuart Pot, only child of David and Rachel Pot, former employee at Uncle Norm's Keyboard Emporium, very kind, but not all there, knocked into a coma with an eight-ball fracture then later revived with a second car accident.

Murdoc Niccals, horrible criminal record, claimed Satanist, has a drinking problem, history of being abused by his father and abandoned by his mother as a baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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