Chapter 4: 200 Demons Screaming in Arabic

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Chapter 4: 200 Demons Screaming in Arabic

Noodle's POV

My head feels a little heavy... I wanna lift it. I did. I lifted my head and rubbed my eyes. I looked around and saw that it was a little bit lit in the room. The man, Toochee, was beside me and still asleep. He looked so kawaii just laying down and breathing. I pecked his forehead to show that I loved him already.

I decided he'll be my onii-chan.

I was hungry, my stomach made a noise. I wanted to eat something and drink something. I put my hands on Toochee and jiggled him.

"Toochee, Toochee, mewosamasu." I say with feeling.

Onii-chan didn't wake up that fast, so, I kept trying. No stopping, only keeping on going. I did it again and again until Toochee finally opened his eyes. His eyes were still all black. What happened to onii-chan's eyes? Did a demon cat take them? If it did, I'll protect him so he can be safe for until the end of forever.

Toochee started talking, but I couldn't understand him. This makes me upset that I can't understand his words. I wanna learn! I wanna learn! That way I can teach him Japanese. We can teach to each other.

"Onii-chan, watashi wa kūfukudesu, taberu koto ga dekimasu ka?" I say to him, blinking.

He tilted his head at me. His blue hair was all spiky and it tilted with his head. Cute, very cute! I reached up to touch it.

"Aoi.. aoi..." I say, playing with his hair.

Then he said more words. Wait, I know that language's name. It's English! I don't know English, though... Oh, wait! I know one word! I was gonna say it, but I heard footsteps. Both Toochee and me looked over and saw the big, brown man standing in the doorway. I loved him already, too. Yesterday, I decided he would be my otosan. I hear people use this phrase "Russ" around him, too. Maybe his name is Russ?

"Russ? Russ?" I call.

Otosan smiled at me and waved. I decided to wave back. Toochee-oniichan waved back and started using English. I wanted to understand! Hmph!

Normal POV

"Oh, ey, Russel. How ye doin'?" 2-D asked in a friendly voice.

Russel nodded and responded.

"I'm 'aight, and you?"

2-D yawned and stretched.

"I'm tired, but I guess I'm okay. The lil' sprout is talking Japanese again. She keeps calling me somefing weird." he added.

"What is it?" Russel asked the singer.

"Erm... Onii...chan?"

Russel's glowing white eyes seemed a little brighter and his lips curled up into a smile. A chuckle was added to his gestures. He knew what that phrase meant.

"Oh? I see." he said. "That's cute, 'D."

2-D tilted his head in confusion. Why did Russel think the word "onii-chan" was cute? He was obviously glad it wasn't an insulting name, but he also wanted to know what it meant. He wanted to know why it was so adorable.

"What, uh, what does it mean, Russel?" 2-D asked the possessed drummer.

Russel laughed and walked into the room. He sat on the bed, making the fabric jump at the contact of his immense weight.

"It means "big brother", man. She's calling you her big brother." he explained.

2-D's cheeks turned pink and his eyes widened. He felt his heart flutter around like a little butterfly that was happy. The singer was an only child and never even thought about having a brother or sister. And yet, this strange, foreign girl that has only known him for a day decides to call him her big brother?

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