Chapter 1

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I Put On A Shirt And Go Ballroom Dancing

I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I suggested it, and I wasn't expecting Alex to actually go though with it, but she did.

It started off normally enough, we'd just finished at The Chase Space for the day when I suggested we get dinner before we headed back to Valhalla.

"As long as it's felafel I'm in." Alex replied, that was one of the things I liked about him, he rarely did things I suggested unless he made it his idea. It was infuriating, yes, but I still liked it.

Once we got our food Alex marched off, headed towards the exit, I ran after him, "Where are you going?"

"We're eating outside." He said, shooting me a look, "It's a nice day."

I blinked, I hadn't been expecting that. But I was okay with it.

Alex and I walked down to the water front. "We should go camping some time." I blurted.

Alex raised his eyebrows, "We should?"

"Yeah. If you want."

He shrugged, "Sounds good."

~ a few days later ~

"Magnus." Someone called.

I rolled over.

"Let's go Chase." Alex Feirro's exasperated voice said.

I slowly opened my eyes, Alex stood over me, arms crossed. I got up and blinked, "What's going on?"

Alex grinned wickedly, "We, Maggie, are going on an adventure."

"We are?"

"As soon as you put a shirt on."

I looked down and felt my face turning red, "Right."

"And hurry up or I'm leaving without you." Alex called over her shoulder as she walked out of my room.

Five minutes later, in record time, I was knocking on the door to Alex's room.

"Come in." She called from the other side.

I opened the door and stepped inside. Alex turned to me, she was wearing her pair of surprisingly practical hiking boots, although they did have sparkly pink and green laces, dark green pants and a pink flannel. It wasn't the most exciting outfit, but she made it work. Alex always made it work.

She threw a bag at my chest, I almost dropped it but managed to grab it at the last second. "What's this for?"

"Ballroom dancing."

I raised an eyebrow, that didn't seem right, but you never knew with Alex.

She snorted, "It's for camping. Did you actually think it was for dancing?"

"We're going camping?" I asked, avoiding the question like a boss.

"You said you wanted to." Alex said with a shrug.


"You'll see." She promises, picking up her own bag. Hers was bigger than mine, probably heavier too, in a brief moment of brilliance I offered, "Do you want me to take that? We can switch."

"Magnus, are you saying that I should take the lighter bag because I'm a girl?" Alex chided.

"I wasn't saying that!" I protested.

"Just because you're a man doesn't mean you're stronger."

"I know that."

Alex let out a laugh.

We climbed up the tree in the middle of her room, "Do you have any idea where you're going?" I asked.

"Actually I do. I checked it out this morning."

I followed Alex along one of the branches, eventually she stopped. "This is our stop." She hopped off and after only a moment of hesitation I did too.

hey i'm back with another book i'm probably not going to update that much or ever finish :)
also i know this is short and im sorry but i'm really proud of it because it's kinda written in ricks style for the magnus chase books

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