Xenoblade's World

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It was that time again, where every smasher would be revisiting their worlds. After all, many of them got homesick so Master Hand and Crazy Hand made a way for then to return to their games, even if it was just for a day every month. Everyone got to meet their friends and family, it kind of made her feel left out. After all, master hand can't make a portal to the real world with a snap of his hands. Well, he can but it takes a while for them to conjure up a new portal. The newest smashers are still waiting for a portal back to their home and luckily (Y/n) was on the list. Since Roy and Corrin already had worlds they could go to, there was no need for the hands to open another portal. So far (Y/n) and Bayonetta still needed portal and word came in that a new batch of smashers were coming.

Now she was all alone sitting at the dinner table resting her head on her hands. Even though Bayonetta didn't have a world open, on days like these she likes to go out of the mansion and work on some moves. That however wasn't what she wanted to do today. She wanted to go home and see how the world's changed since she's left her world.

Deciding to finally do something other than sigh and mope around the mansion she walked to the portal room thinking maybe she could hang out with one or more of the smashers just like with Bowser. But which world should she go to? While deciding which world to jump through she roamed through the room peeking through each portal. As she looked through each portal she saw one showing a field of green with some flowers and she saw Shulk lying down on the grass with his sword stabbed into the grass not too far from him, looks like he didn't move to far from the portal.

Wonder why?

So she decided that was the portal she wanted to hop through. Once her feet landed on the grass she walked towards the boy standing next to his head. He was taking a nap it seemed. So she decided to bend over and count to three in her head before she shouted his name.




"SHUUUULLLK!!!" she screamed making the boy snap his eyes open and sit up abruptly making (Y/n) and Shulk's foreheads clash together and for both of them to fall back to the ground holding their foreheads in pain. After their little moment of shared pain was over with they both looked at each other in surprise.

"(Y/n)!? What are you doing here? What's the situation? Monsters?", he yelled standing up and quickly grabbing his sword prepared for an oncoming attack. He heard giggling from (Y/n) before he turned around to meet her eyes. "What's so funny?"

"There are no monsters here Shulk, it's just me that woke you up as a joke!" she said before she continued to laugh.

"Why on earth would you do that (Y/n)!? I was having such a good dream about y-!", he suddenly stopped himself from talking by placing his hand over his mouth while also concealing his cheeks from the on growing burst of red appearing. That's when (Y/n) stopped laughing and became curious.

"Sorry! I didn't think about that. What was the dream about?" she asked innocently.

"N-nothing! Just about running through a field of flowers!" he said abruptly then continuing to whisper, "with you..."

"What was that last part?" she asked.

"Nothing I swear!" he placed his hands up in surrender.

"Ooookay, if you say so... Anyway how are you?" she asked while adjusting herself to sit properly on the grass.

"I'm good, I'm glad you came to my world, there's lots of stuff I wanna show you!" he said before stabbing his sword into the ground and taking his place next to her.

"Oh? Like what?" she said.

"Well for one this.", he outstretched his arm and slowly waved it towards the open field.

"It is beautiful." she said looking over the flowers.

"Why don't we play a game?" he said getting excited.

"A game? What kind?" she asked.

"How about tag? Not to brag, but I'm pretty good at that game. Except with the smashers, they like to add in rules like its okay to use your powers. Sonic really is fast." he said lying back down with his hands behind his head looking up at the sky in reminiscent.

"Ooo I want to play with all of you, next time you guys are playing, invite me okay?"

"Okay! So how about it? Wanna play?" he asked staring to grin

"Hmmm..." she pondered.

"Not a good idea?"

"It's not that, its just..."

"What?" he asked starting to get really worried.

"You're gonna eat your words! Tag!" She said before getting up to run in a random direction.

"You're on!" He said getting up and leaving his sword to chase after her.

Her plan was to run towards some rocks to hopefully play a teasing game of ring a 'round the rosies with him and hopefully hide in a bush nearby while watching him run around a rock looking for her. And that's exactly what happened. She ran to a large rock and looked behind her to see if Shulk was close enough before running behind the rock to climb up it. As soon as Shulk started to run around the rock she ran to a nearby bush and watched the whole thing unfold. He ran around the rock ten times before realizing he was just running in circles when he heard hysteric laughter coming from a nearby bush where he saw (Y/n). That's when he booked it towards the bush to get her.

She wasn't fast enough to get out of the bush to start running when Shulk tackled her to the ground making her "it." After he tagged her, ran off in a different direction.

She quickly got up from the ground and chased after him.

This game went on for quite a while, long enough for the sun to go down and turn the sky a range of orange, yellow, and red.

Under the sunset sat both (Y/n) and Shulk huffing and sweating out of breath from their game of tag. In the end Shulk had won because they ended the game as (Y/n) being "it."

"So, what's my reward?" Shulk said grinning from ear to ear he said then continued to catch his breath.

"I got something in mind, close your eyes." She said before getting up from the ground.

Shulk went along with it and closed his eyes for five minutes. In those five minutes he sat up and waited. The waiting was over when he felt something being placed on his head. That's when he heard (Y/n) tell him it was okay to open his eyes. When he did he reached up to his head and felt something soft but spikey. That's when he realized he was wearing a flower crown. He found it cute but he was slightly disappointed because he was expecting more but it was fine, after all he didn't want to be rude he turned to dace her direction to thank her. Unfortunately, rather the best thing Shulk's ever experienced with (Y/n), he turned at the perfect moment because right when he turned he kissed (Y/n). What was meant to happen was (Y/n) give a kiss on the cheek. Oh well.

Right after that happened they both heard a beeping sound. The sound came from Shulk's watch signaling that it was time to go back to the mansion. So with bright red faces, they both went back to the portal without a word. What were they supposed to say after that. So once they came back to the mansion they sat at the dinner table before they both said their thoughts.


"Aww that's okay."
"It's fine really!"

When they came back to the mansion the smashers did ask about their faces but they dismissed anyone and everyone. After that they laughed it off and Shulk offered to walk (Y/n) to her room. After they made it to her room they wished each other good night and gave him a hug.

As soon as she was sure that he was far away she slid down her door and held her face in her hands trying so hard to cool down her face.

As soon as Shulk made it to his room he slid down the door and placed his head on his arms to hide the on growing red crawling on his face.

What day.

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