Sword Fighter

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This time you woke up to the alarm of your clock reading 5:45. Considering how many smashers were in the house you were lucky enough to get any sleep in order to wake up and make breakfast. . . lunch. . . and dinner. . .sometimes. By 6:00, after you went to the bathroom and did your morning routine, you headed towards the kitchen. Unlike all those other times you knew exactly where to go. It seems like the smashers depended on you to actually make something edible. You have no idea how they survived on what you've seen come out of that kitchen. All that no longer mattered though, cause they had you now and they're happy that you came into their world. Well, most of them are, but with a little time you are sure that everyone will welcome you with open arms and ear to ear smiles.

On your way to the kitchen you happened to see Meta knight. From what you were able to tell it seemed that he was about to go train. 'About to.' That is until you convinced him to help you make breakfast. Although it wasn't really convincing that you were doing. You just told him that you were going to surprise everyone with a breakfast that's actually on time. What really got him to help you was the fact that you said you were going to 'slice' some fruit to make a fruit salad. . .and cookies too. 

Once the two of you made it to the kitchen, you got right to it and put Meta knight on slicing duty and yourself set on getting the batter done. You were pretty impressed by his skills of cutting. In fact he was half way done right as you started to combine the ingredients. During, the cooking session you allowed him to decide what he wanted to eat whether it be dessert or something more spicy.

        "So, Meta Knight, as a thank you for helping, what would you like to eat later on?"

        ". . . . . . "

"Ah sorry! I'll find something you can write on!" you said rummaging through drawers trying to find a paper or pencil. Before you could open the next drawer Meta Knight pulled out a blank board and black marker and started scribbling away. When he flipped the board to face you it read: FRUIT SALAD.  

        "Fruit salad? Okay!" you said happily. "Um is that how non-talkable smashers communicate?" He then flipped the board.



        "Woah how'd ya know I was going to say that?" you asked. He flipped his board again.



"Whaaat!? Oh man I hope that doesn't show in my training session today." you said as you stirred the mixture worriedly. Meta knight seemed to wonder what you were going to do today. If you were to train on swords after Wii Fit Trainer's yoga session with everyone, he would gladly help. So, he flipped the board again.

         IF YOU CHOOSE


        I'LL HELP YOU. 

        "Really!? Thank you! As a reward you can choose what you want for later-"


He showed by shoving the board in your face. "Oh! Wow you must like that huh?" you asked as he nodded looking away shyly. "Oh and Meta Knight." you asked as he turned around only to be met with a mask full of cookie batter. "How predictable was that?" you said giggling. Soon after, Meta Knight countered with his own food which erupted into an all out cookie batter and fruit war.


        "Hey, Marth, has Meta Knight come back yet?" asked Ike.

        "No, he's getting Master Hand's keys from his office shouldn't take that long though. Should we worry?" said Marth.

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