The Doll Maker

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//Writer's note: This story is a bit trash, but eh, I hope you guys enjoy nonetheless!

I had begun the night with investigating a very peculiar website on the Deep Web. "The Doll Maker", was the name. The website seemed to circulte around the idea of turning pretty, young women into living sex dolls. Pretty fucked up, yeah?

I proceeded with my searches until I heard something that peaked my curiosity. It seemed to be some kind of.. Carnival music, or possibly a music box of some sort playing outside my apartment door. The fact that nearly everyone in the apartment complex would've more than likely be asleep by now somehow made the situation even worse.

I slowly stood from my black swivel seat and made my way over to the entrance to my apartment, where I found myself staring out of the small peephole on the door. What I saw seemed to be some kind of life-sized doll with long, emerald green hair. I didn't make the connection until I saw an older, balding man stroll over to the doll, pick it up and exit from my line of sight.

My initial thought was to run, hide, and never exit this damn apartment ever again. Well.. That was until the power went out.

"Just my luck, huh?" I mumbled angrily to myself, gripping the flashlight that had previously been carelessly shoved into my right pocket.

I exited the apartment with caution, nearly shitting myself when I heard my apartment door slam behind me. I hurriedly made my way to the floor's breaker room, turning the power back on, and began heading back to my room. I started to feel quite comfortable again, the thought of the doll only being put off as some kind of silly ploy. It wasn't too unlikely for someone to play some kind of sick prank like that, especially at this time.

 But, that false comfort was ripped away from me as quick as it arrived when I came to a forced halt. Someone then proceeded to put a knife to my throat, and in that moment, I knew it all ended there.

"Good evening. I.. Believe you've you've seen my work. I do hope you like it. However, I'm afraid this visit is not for pleasure. You see, obtaining the girls I seek for transformation has become.. increasingly difficult. And I cannot risk my work for seeking new flesh myself, so.. You. You will provide them for me. Find me a woman in this building and mark her door. I will do the rest. When I am ready for another, you will know." The man's voice suddenly dropped to an increasingly sinister tone. "Do NOT fail me. Do NOT test me.."

"..I left the marker on your door." The balding man then proceeded to whack me in the back of the head, leaving me paralyzed for a moment to make his own escape. I quickly turned around, but to my dismay, he was stealthy enough to disappear before I could catch one last glimpse of him.

Tonight was guaranteed to be a fun night indeed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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