"How can you ask me that question Peter!? I can't believe you right now! We've been together since 7th grade, that's like 3 and a half years okay so I'm sorry if I can't just forget it happened and move on!" I laugh "Oh really because from what I remember Gen you're the one who dumped me for some fling with a college guy!" "But that was a mistake Peter, I shouldn't have done that and hurt you like that. I'm sorry about everything I did to you, okay? But I miss you, I miss us and I want the old us back." I look at her with shock and disbelief "Hey I've already forgiven you for that and I miss the old us too, not just from when we were dating but the us before we dated too Gen! When we were young and had crushes on each other and took the time to get to know one another and yes if you didn't break things off when you did then we would probably still be together but you did and we aren't a couple anymore, okay? So I need you to stop pretending like we are!" I turn to walk inside and get away from her but she stands in front of me to stop me from opening the door "But Peter I love you.

Please can't we just try again?" She pleads and I look at her feeling bad that she hasn't gotten it yet "Look Gen you're always going to be a big part of my life, I mean you were my 1st real girlfriend, one of my first big crushes, my longest relationship..., geez we even lost our virginity's to each other Gen, that's not something I will ever forget, okay? And I love you too, I will always love you but just not in that way anymore." She gives me a little nod and looks down then I feel bad for all the things I said to her so I give her a hug but when I go to pull away from her she kisses me and for a split second I kiss her back because I feel bad for letting her down but also because I've kinda missed the feeling of her lips on mine but I instantly regret it and push her off but she still stays close to me. What the hell Gen!?" She looks at me with a smirk "Don't act like you didn't like it Peter, I felt you kiss back. I knew you missed me, I just had to prove it to you." I glare at her a yell "I said I'm moving on Gen not that I'm over you completely but after this I think I might be!" Just as she's about to say something else to me Chris walks out and yells "What they hell is the matter with you two, huh!?" I jump away from Gen and see her smirk at Lara Jean but then I look at her and try to say sorry with my eyes but she just turns and walks away. "I mean really I expect this from her but you Kavinsky!" I ignore her and pushed past her and call Lara Jean's name but she doesn't stop so I stand in front of her, just then Gen walks past the both of us giving us both a fat smirk and I realize that this was her plan all along to mess mine and Lara Jean's relationship up. I turn my attention back to Lara Jean and see that she's about to walk away "woah, woah are you okay? What happened?" I say In a panicked tone then she looks at me with the most angriest face I've ever seen on her "YOU DIDN'T EVEN SAY IT WASN'T TRUE, YOU'RE JUST GOING TO LET EVERYONE THINK THAT WE HAD SEX IN THE HOT TUB WHEN YOU KNOW WE DIDN'T!? I bet you just happy that the video got leaked!" She yells and starts to walk away again. The passing bell has already rung so now everyone is staring at both Lara Jean and I but I don't know why.

Just then Chris walks up to me and shoves a piece of crumbled up paper in my chest then I open it and see a picture of Lara Jean and I in the hot tub and I get angry "HEY EVERYBODY LISTEN UP!!" I've gotten everyone's attention, even Lara Jean's "Okay not that it's anyone's business but nothing happened in the hot tub!! So if I hear anyone talking about Lara Jean or anything having to do with that video I'm gonna kick all your asses, you got that!?" Everyone goes back to what they were doing and Lara Jean starts to walk away again so I run up to her "Woah Covey I'm sorry this happened but I had no idea, I mean if I knew who did this then..." "Well I know who did this and so should you!" She looks at me with a serious face and I think back to Gen and her plan "Okay okay just let me talk to her and try..." I start to explain to her "No this is a battle I need to handle on my own." She says giving me a serious and pissed off look "Okay but can we still talk after all of this, please?" She looks at me with sad eyes "I don't think that's a good idea Peter, I'm sorry but I just can't deal with me and you right now. I'm gonna need some space, okay?" She says as she walks away to go find Gen and I think about how my heart just broke, why does she need space form me?

With that thought I walk to my 2nd period class but realize that Lara Jean isn't here, she probably doesn't want to see me right now.

*Skip to lunch*

Lara Jean wasn't in 3rd period either and I'm not seeing her anywhere around the school so I just sit at my table with my buddies and don't talk most of lunch because all I can think about is Covey and how she's doing. I want to see her but that would be pushing it because she said that she needed space form me.

The rest of the day was pretty quiet until the last passing period of the day I was walking down the hall when someone said my name "Yo Kavinsky props to you man." "What, what are you talking about?" "For taking Lara Jean's innocence, I didn't think anyone would ever try that but I guess I was wrong!" He says laughing as if it's all just fun and games but I get so mad that I run up to him and punch him right in the throat which starts a fight between him and I. He punches me in the face a couple times but I'm on top of him punching him multiple time when I get pulled off him by a security guard "Break it up!!" "Never talk about her like that again!" I say and try to go back for more but the guard stops me "Everyone go back to class! And you two come with me!" He yells and no one wastes another second.


Well my mom had to pick me up from school early because I got suspended from school for two days but I could care less because all I care about and have on my mind right now is Lara Jean, my Lara Jean.

*What should happen next, I'm kinda stuck... Any ideas??*

Me and you always|| Lara Jean and Peter K.Where stories live. Discover now