chapter four

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                                         r a v e n
                                       point of view

"alright ladies, pick a room and get dressed!" phil says wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"listen, uh the villa only has 4 rooms. is it alright if we share? i mean we already mentioned it down stairs in the lobb—" i cut phil's rambling off with a kiss on the lips.

that kiss definitely reminded me of highschool, and man do i wish he was mine.

"i really don't care. let's go get ready" i say grabbing his hand and leading him to the only empty room.

we drop our bags on the bed and i head into the bathroom.

i take out my dutch braids and leave my hair down in it's now crimpy form.

i walk over to the mirror and touch up my make up. i walk back into the room and take my shoes off.

i begin to undress.

i take my tank top off and then my shorts leaving me in a thong and a strapless push up bra.

i shoot phil a wink as i put on a black dress with thin spaghetti straps that's tight on the top and flows out at my waist.

since i'm not much of a heels person, i put on my platform checkered vans with no show socks.

i look up to see that phil and i are somewhat matching, both of us being in all black.

he smirks and grabs my hand leading me out of the room.

"hey doug" i say smiling at the man sitting on the couch.

"quite the view, isn't it" he says smiling, admiring the view.

"what's taking stu so long?" i ask and doug gets up.

"i don't know, let's go find out" phil replies.

doug and i follow him into stu's room to see he is most likely on the phone with melissa. also he's only in his underwear not even ready to go.

"we met the, uh, proprietor. oh what's his name? caesar palachè, like the salad" stu says and phil taps on his watch.

"well, listen, okay i gotta go, we're going wine tasting" stu says smiling.

i sit down on the bed and put my feet up. phil shoves me over a bit and sits next to me, somewhat sitting on me. i move so i am sitting on him instead.

"wait, wait. i love you, ok bye" stu says tossing his phone on the bed.

"you know what, i'm not even going to say anything." phil says putting his hands up in defeat.

"all i'm going to say is you're too good for her stu, really" i say shaking my head.

"where's alan" stu asks ignoring me and phil completely.

"he uh, he went downstairs. said he had to grab a few things." doug replies shoving his hands into his pockets.

"good. because i have something to show you guys" stu says making weird motions with his arms.

stu pulls out a blue velvet box. it looks like a ring is inside. he opens it up, and sure enough there's a ring.

"uh oh" i say looking down.

"if that's what i think it is then it's a big fucking mistake" phil says pointing at the box.

"i'm going to propose to melissa at your wedding. after the ceremony of course." stu says smiling.

"stuey, congratulations!" doug says smiling. are phil and i really the only ones that are speaking any sense?

"thank you doug!" stu replies knowing very well that phil and i disagree greatly.

"that's a beautiful ring" doug says examining it.

"yeah, it's legit. my grandmother made it all through the holocaust with that thing." stu says as doug hands it back.

"wait, have you not listened to anything i have ever said?" phil says still in shock about he whole thing.

"phil, we've been dating for three years. it's time. this is how it works." stu says putting his pants on.

"a, that's bullshit. b, she's a complete bitch!" phil says sitting up a bit.

"hey, that's his fiancée" doug says hitting phil' shoe.

"what? it's true. you know it's true. she beats him!" i say climbing over phil so i can stand up.

stu puts on his shirt and buttons it up. "that was twice, and i was out of line. she's strong willed and i respect that." stu says putting his suit over his button up.

"serioisly, stu? so she can fuck a bellhop on a cruise but you can't go to fucking vegas?" i ask making hard eye contact with him.

"hey. it was a bartender. you know this." doug says putting his hand on my shoulder.

i widen my eyes but instead shake my head when stu looks away.

"guys. i'm standing right here. i can hear everything your saying." stu says holding his arms out.

"hey guys, are you ready to let the dogs out?" alan asks walking with a bag on his arm.

"i'm sorry, what?" i say kind of harsh, still being heated from trying to knock some sense into stu.

"you know, who let the dogs out, who who" alan sings and does this weird little dance.

"yes alan. we are ready to let the dogs out." doug says smiling at him.

we all head out and begin to walk to the elevator.

"no jacket, sweetheart?" i hear phil say as he puts his arm around my shoulders.

"phil, we're in vegas. it doesn't get below 80°, even at night." i reply as we walk up and stu pushes the button on the elevator.

"you're not really wearing that, are you?" phil says removing his arm from my shoulders to point at alan.

"wearing what?" alan responds looking down at his body. he's wearing a white graphic tee with jeans and a.. satchel?

he's the least dressed up out of us all and he doesn't look like he belongs with us.

"the man purse" phil says chuckling. when no one responds to him, he speaks up again.

"you're actually going to wear that or are you guys fucking with me" phil says looking around at every one.

"it's where i keep all of my things. i get a lot of compliments on this. plus; it's not a man purse, it's a satchel. indiana jones wears one" alan says awkwardly moving his hear out of his face by shaking his head.

"yeah so does joy behar" phil retorts.

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