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Markus was surprised to find only North at the conference, and was suspicious as to why Josh did not appear. He shrugged it off but remained on edge. After the meeting was over, Markus and North decided to walk back to Jericho instead of taking the self-driving car. They took the short way and North had no problem with striking up a conversation. "Glad you finally made it." She said with a pinch of attitude that Markus got used to. He didn't reply. "So where's Simon? You would've thought to bring him here with you since you two are basically inseparable." Markus, once again, did not answer.

"Why are you so quiet today?" She asked worriedly. Markus took a quick glance at her. "There's a lot on my mind, sorry.." North didn't like vague answers so she pushed further. "What about?" He sighed and dug his hands in his pockets. "Don't worry about it." She stepped in front of Markus causing him to stop. "By saying don't worry about it, you're making me more interested." Markus walked around North and continued. "C'mon Markus!" She coed as she tailed him. "It's Simon isn't it?" She asks. Markus' face became blue just by thinking about him and everything that had happened.

"Of course it is! why wouldn't it be?" Markus turned his head toward her. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked aggressively. Of course North didn't catch the aggressive undertone and continued. "It's so obvious he's got a thing for you, he's always hanging around you and talking to you. It must be annoying. I would've laid it out straight a while ago if I were you." Markus was in awe. This is what was going through North's head when she saw Markus and Simon hanging out. Obviously she didn't know what went on after dark. "Yea can we just not talk about this.." North gave him an understanding look. "Totally." Markus and North walked silently side by side for the rest of the walk.


When both North and Markus reached Jericho, North stuck with him.She would't leave him alone. Soon enough Markus was able to hide from her, when he did, He went on to find Simon as usual. He wanted to talk to him about what happened and he wanted closure and the only way he could get that was if he had found him. He searched the auditorium and the empty rooms. He wasn't in any of them. Markus was pacing and every android in the church was eyeing him. He soon got a glimpse of Josh talking with a AP700 model. "Josh!" Markus yelled as he ran closer to him. He quickly spun in Markus' direction. Without even saying anything, Josh pointed to a door. Markus followed the general direction of his finger and the door led to the church bell. Markus mouthed the words 'thank you' and sped up the stairs.

He had slowed down to catch his breath before he would twist the knob and open the door. When he knew he was ok, he twisted and pulled. Simon was sitting on the floor criss cross, flipping a coin. He looked up in surprise for a second before quickly looking back down at the small piece of copper. "You're back." Simon mumbled. Markus slowly closed the door behind him and sat down next to Simon. He flipped the coin again and it landed on tails. "What're you doing?" Markus asked softly. Simon continued to flick the coin in the air, watch it fall, and pick it back up. "I was a little bored and found this so.." 

Markus observed his action before saying "How about this, if it lands on heads, you have to look at me." Markus could sense Simon's heart rate increase. Despite this happening, he flicked the coin and watched it land. 

It was heads.

Markus looked at the coin and then back at Simon. He heard him sigh and then slowly lift his face. Simon's big blue eyes had finally met Markus' once again. "How have you been?" Simon reached his hand out and grabbed the coin. "I've been better." Markus smiled at him. Simon lifted the end of his lips, forming a small smile. "Connor wants to meet us at the precinct tomorrow." Simon's small smile instantly faded. He groaned and flipped the coin. "Listen I know you don't like that place, but he wants to question us. Wants to see if maybe we know something." Simon gave Markus an intent look. Markus returned the look, causing Simon to quickly look the opposite direction. 

He could see a hint of blue pigment on the tip of his ear. He figured he wouldn't mention it only this once, but deep inside he knew Simon was flustered. "Hey.." Markus turned Simon's face, making his face fully visible to Markus. Now Simon's cheeks were just as blue as his eyes. Markus quickly recoiled and removed his hand from where it was. He knew he couldn't be doing stuff like that, it would only make it harder to not kiss him and he didn't want to repeat. He awkwardly cleared his throat and continued. "He also says he may have a lead." Simon gave him a wide eyed stare for a couple seconds before looking back down at his hands.

"Do I have a choice?" He said as he looked back up at Markus and gave him a soft smile. They sat there in silence for a couple seconds before Simon finally spoke. "Can we just.. forget.. about what happened back at the bookstore?" Markus gave him a surprised look. Simon caught it and tried to keep eye contact at a minimal. " Yes, it happened, and it wasn't anyones fault so can we just.. move past it .. I really like hanging out with you when its not awkward." Markus knew Simon hated feeling awkward, which is why he would never necessarily put himself out there. "Actually, I was hoping to get a chance to talk to you about it." Markus sensed Simon's internal temperature rise.

He knew by saying that he was being selfish. Simon had asked politely to forget the topic and move on, but here Markus was wanting to talk about it. This being true, Markus only had one question to ask. "When we interfaced, your emotions were.. abnormal. " Markus side glanced Simon before he continued. He wasn't flipping the coin anymore, he was twirling it in his fingers. "I didn't want to ask you about it before because I thought it was a bad time.." Markus saw Simon open his mouth, he expected something to come out but nothing did. Simon knew he had to open up to Markus, to tell him what he felt. At least that's what Josh said, but he knew Josh was right. Simon lifted his head to look at Markus. "When you kissed me, my first physical instinct was to kiss you back. But my first mental instinct was to push you away. My body was saying one thing but my head was saying another. I know you probably won't get it... I've never felt like this before and.. I hope you can understand that I wasn't crying because of you, I was crying because of me.. I don't know how to explain it.."

Markus noticed Simon's trembling, clutched fists. Without thinking, he grabbed them and held them in his own hands. He held them until Simon released the grip he had, allowing Markus to intertwine their fingers. The artificial skin on their hands was slowly dissolving. Markus didn't even need to sense Simon's heart rate increase, he could hear how loud and quick it was beating. He was almost worried it would malfunction, although soon dismissed that thought when he saw how in awe Simon was. It almost looked like he was daydreaming, he was completely lost in Markus' touch.

Before anything could happen, Markus heard loud footsteps. They sounded as if someone was running up the stairs, and fast. Simon must've heard them too because one second, he was completely mesmerized, and the next something snapped inside of him and he pulled his hands away from Markus'. All of a sudden the door swung open. Markus was hesitant to see who it was but figured he would have to at some point. He looked up to find North in the doorway, with Josh pulling her hand from behind. "Hey Markus, Simon!" Josh exclaimed awkwardly.


That moment when you realize that David Cage will probably never release a Simarkus DLC so the only way to fill your Simarkus desires is to read fanfics all day😔

ANYWAY, enough of the angst🤠 I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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