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Markus had spent the night prior not really doing anything. He had gone into standby before the sun came up, but that only gave him a few hours of energy. Most androids would go into standby willingly, but Markus didn't really like doing that. Yea he needed it, all androids did, but he felt that something might go down and he wouldn't be there to protect his people. Just paranoia on his part. Once, Simon had caught him, and forced him to close his eyes and temporarily deactivate. Markus was really annoyed by that, but he knew that Simon was just worried. It was the day after, and Markus was looking for North and Josh in the church to head toward the precinct. He had been wandering around for almost 5 minutes before he heard his name being called behind him.


He turned and was greeted by a radiating smile shining off Simon's face. "I finally found you!" Simon stopped right in front of Markus only to receive a bit of a puzzled look. "You were looking for me?" He asked, uncertain. "Yea, North and Josh are already at the precinct, they didn't want to wake you from standby mode since you looked like you needed some time." Simon paused and continued "So they told me to come find you!" Markus smiled widely and giggled. "You're pretty enthusiastic this morning."

Simon exhaled deeply and laughed with him. "C'mon, North and Josh are waiting for you."


For some reason Markus and Simon didn't use a self driving car to get to the precinct, instead they both decided to walk. Markus didn't know how Simon had convinced him. Something about saving the earth by causing less pollution. He wasn't really paying attention, but he couldn't say no, so he obliged. The precinct was a couple blocks from the church, it was 20 minutes away so they would have to walk for awhile. They didn't say a word to each other for awhile. It wasn't awkward, it was more relaxing.

"Its really pretty out here.." Markus looked over at Simon who was staring out into the open. "Yea, it is." Markus debated whether he should say more, but he really liked the silence. "I used to come here a lot. The kids loved it." Simon started smiling to himself. Markus noticed this and couldn't help but to smile too.

"It reminds me of my past owner. He was an amazing painter and taught me everything I know. He was like a father to me.. But I'm sure you already know everything about that.." There was silence. Not the bad kind though. "Markus.. I.." Simon stopped, not knowing if he should keep going. Markus picked up on the sudden hesitation and looked over once more.

"I'm sorry for... walking out on you the other day..." Simon's face turned into a faint blue. "I just.. I've never felt such strong emotions like yours and... when that old man died.." He bit on his bottom lip. "There was so much there.. I just couldn't.." Markus dug his hands into his pockets. "So that kid.."

Simon's head perked up. "Mind telling me his name..?" He hummed quietly to himself, debating if he should answer. "Victor... his name was Victor." Simon smiled to himself again, recuperating all the past memories he had with him.

"He was a lovely kid, loved to play all the time." There was a moment of silence before he went on. "He didn't deserve to die.." Markus gently brushed his hand slightly on Simon's, causing him to look up at him. "No one deserves to die, and it's not your fault.. I bet you did whatever you could to prevent it." Simon gave a understanding nod, and continued the walk.


Once they arrived, they were greeted by North and Josh impatiently waiting for them at the entrance. "Took you guys long enough." Josh pointed out.

"Why didn't you use the self driving car?" North looked pissed. And she was pissed. Markus didn't wanna tell her the actual reason. He knew she would definitely go off on Simon if he did. "Oh um- the car broke down in the middle of getting here. We didn't wanna waste more time so.." Simon eyed Markus in relief. "Whatever. Let's just get inside. We've waisted enough time already." North and Josh got up form the benches they were sitting on, and headed inside, with Simon and Markus trialing behind them.

Once they were inside, Markus heard screams from what was supposedly called the 'break room'. "Get the fuck away from me!!" A man - about 5'9 - stomped out of the break room with what seemed to be the latest RK900 model close behind. "I'm sorry detective, but I must assist you at all times, Captain Fowler's orders."

Markus didn't have enough time to really understand what was going, so he brushed it off.

(Ima just skip to after the meeting is done cause that part is boring)


After they finished up what they were doing, North and Josh wanted to go to the nearest shop and look around. They insisted Markus and Simon come along, but Markus wanted to stay.

When he exited the conference room, he scanned the precinct.
Connor's desk seemed to be placed right in front of Lieutenant Hank Anderson's desk. Although it was empty, Markus decided to wait until he got back.


Faint footsteps could be heard from behind him. He turned his head and saw Simon walking up to him. "You comin'?" Simon asked. "Uh yea, I just need to talk to Connor first." Simon eyed him suspiciously. "What about?" At times, Markus loved Simon's curiosity. Found it intriguing, even.
But at others... well, sometimes Simon doesn't really have a sense of privacy.

"I just want to ask him something."

Simon may have not been the wisest android (actually yes, all androids are equipped with all the information in the world) but he could tell when his curiosity was turning into annoyance. "Okay... I'll meet you back at Jericho then.." Simon turned to walk out of the office and Markus felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if someone had just pulled out his pump regulator. He felt bad. He didn't know why but he knew he couldn't let Simon leave yet.

"Hey Simon!" Markus bellowed before Simon had a chance at the door. He turned around in surprise.

"You ever painted before?"

Simon shook head head hesitantly.

"Well you will soon, when I'm done here I'll meet you back at Jericho."

Simon's face lit up with a nod.
He turned his head quickly so it was hard to catch, but Markus noticed it.

He noticed it, and smiled to himself like an idiot.

Yeet my fuckin skeet

I hope you enjoyed this chapter yall💘💞💖💕💖💘

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