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Usually a day of happiness and sleep hopefully.
But for Louis it wasn't any better than a week day.

He never really liked to sleep all day, and he definitely didnt want to stay at 'home'.

Home should be where the heart is, or some stupid corny shit like that.
But nothing has been the same in his house since he was reunited with his family after his mother put him in state custody.

Of course nothing was the same. She gave him up. He lived with a foster family in America for years until she decided she wanted her son back.

Louis loves his mother. He does.  honest. But he will never forgive her.

She attempted to apologize but there was no excuse for giving up your son when he was barley 15.
He understood he wasn't the best child to deal with, he was a bully, a complete asshole getting suspended at least once a week. He knew his mother was stressed with  the other kids, being a single mother and all, but he was a kid himself. He didn't care about nothing but his reputation.

He never thought his mother would actually give him up but he supposed him getting arrested was the last straw.

The strain in the family didn't stop at his mother. Though he was gradually getting close to Felicite and Charlotte who was old enough, he didn't really have a realationship with pheobe and Daisy who were young when he left. The ignored him mostly because they were intimidated by the tattoos and such, and he never bothered to communicate with the twins.

It just wasn't a very warm environment for him.

So that's how he found himself at a pretty much deserted park at 10am.

It was a nice enough day. Windy, but not to cold. The sun was out - obviously - and it warmed things up a bit.

He walked down the cement pathway built around the park, with both hands stuffed in his sweater, music blaring in both headphones.

He would jog, because that's what People do. It was healthy to jog once in a while. But alas he was way to lazy and out of shape for exercising.

So with a sigh he fell into a steady walk down the pavement.

His mind was elsewhere, that's the beauty of music, it was easy to lose yourself in, especially when it's all you could hear.

The loud music also had it's cons.

When your mind is elsewhere, its pretty hard seeing a man running towards you with closed eyes- what the fuck? -and music also blaring in his ears.

Their minds were elsewhere but immediately came back when their bodies were attacked.

Both men fell down.

Louis groaned feeling a weight on top of him.

He immediately grew angry, because what the fuck?
"Watch where the fuck You're going man." He angrily muttered pushing the body off of him, standing straight.

Louis' blood ran cold, and his face converted into a regretful one when he noticed Harry below him with wide glossy eyes.

"I-Im s-s-sorry-"

"No Harry, god. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you. I'm really sorry for pushing yo- here, let me help you up." He offered voice laced with worry.

Harry hesitated, lips pulled into a frown. After a moment he put his hand in Louis.

He smiled pulling the smaller boy to his feet. "You okay love?"

Harry gently pulled his hand free, rubbing the back of it with his other, feeling a heat spread to the place where Louis skin touched his. "Yeah.. Im-Im fine." He glanced at the ground, not being able to handle the tension between the two.
Louis pursed his lips watching Harry as he pushed the Chestnut curls out of his face.

"I... Shou-should get g-going." Harry said after an awkward silence.
Louis looked at him, expression unchanged.
Harry cleared his throat. "I-i've got this... thing."

Louis raised an amused eyebrow. "This thing?"

Harry narrowed his eyes. "What you don't believe me?"

"Not entirely."

Harry shuffled his feet awkwardly. "well... It's true."

"Sure." Louis smiled seeing the small smile beginning on Harry's pink lips. He watched him for a second before he said 'fuck it yolo'
"If this 'thing' of yours, falls through or something I'll be at 'cup o' tea' at noon until 3.. i wouldn't mind company."

Harry looked at Louis with wide eyes. Was he asking me out? His hear beat rapidly in his chest as he debated louis' words.

He nodded with a tight smile. "Okay... Um... I'll see you."

Louis grinned before nodded. "Okay".


Harry paced his room with his arms crossed.

If this 'thing' of yours, falls through.....

There was no 'thing', so it would be the right, humane, thing to do to go give Louis some company.

I mean it was the least he could do.

He stopped moving for a second and took a moment to calm himself. He was over thinking everything.

He didn't have to go. He didn't owe Louis anything, if anything he shouldn't go anywhere near the annoying boy who always somehow got Harry's heart rate up. It was then that he realized he wanted to go.

He didn't feel entitled, he craved the excitement he felt when around the persistant man.
He wanted to listen while Louis rambled on and on about nothing.
He wanted to ignore Louis as he poked him, he wanted to listen to his obnoxious laugh, and see his amused expression when Harry blushed.

Well fuck..

Harry wanted to spend time with Louis fucking Tomlinson.

A/N: I've taken years to update but I had major writer's block with this story. Super sorry for those who were waiting forever. But here it is. It's sorta short buhh whatevs. Idk where this story is going so if anyone has suggestions for what should happen???? Anyway

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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