
840 22 4

Harry's p.o.v.

We stood in front of a shiny dark blue car. I didn't know what kind it was cuz I've never been all that Intrested in cars but I knew it had to be expensive.

I gaped at it for a while and blushed a dark pink when Louis looked at me with amused eyes and a raised eyebrow. I quickly looked down opening the car door. And hesitantly I got in the passenger. The inside was all black leather. The seats made a sound of protest as i squirmed in my spot. I bit my lip not moving, the car seemed way to pricey that I felt making even the smallest of moves would ruin the hole thing. So I didn't. I was stiff and I clenched my hand in a fist trying to act casual.

My cheeks flamed after I realized how stupid I must have looked. I didn't notice louis' eyes on me until I noticed we hadn't moved. And I hadn't heard the roar of the engine I was waiting for. Hesitantly I lifted my eyes to meet his. My cheeks heated up even more- if possible - when I saw the look on his face. He looked like he was bout ready to laugh but also looked confused. "You.... Okay there?" He asked warily. Ofc i wasn't okay... I'm in a near strangers car, albeit I basically knew him all my life, but he...changed alot, so it was almost like a stranger. So yeah. I was in a strangers car; one too expensive for me too even move on. My best friend disappeared... but I just answered with a quiet.
" M-m'fine" And I'm reallllly nervous. With saying that I realized my heart beat was speeding up, the blood was rushing to my face quickly. And my hands were shaking. I didn't like to be around people I didn't know especially in such a small space. In the nurse's office I agreed cuz I thought I could do it. But being here right know. I know, I was wrong..  I don't think I can do it. I can't believe Niall thinks I can do it. No way could i sit in a car with louis tomlinson. Such a small in closed place.... so much locks....

I took deep breaths calming down my heart rate. Luckily I dont live too far by car so if I concentrate on breathing and he doesn't talk to me i... I think I'll be okay.

I heard him sigh deeply but I kept my gaze on my fiddling fingers.
One... Inhale.  exhale.
Two.. inhale.  Exhale.
Three.. inhale. Exhale.
I cautiously counted my breaths. I was proud. I was doing pretty good.
" Soooo...."
Spoke to soon.

He waited for me to answer and coughed awkwardly when I didn't.
" Err... Harry.. so you have.. panic attacks often" immediantly I tensed, my muscles feeling stiff.

He grimaced. "... Topic change then?..." I felt bad that I was making him feel awkward, but I couldn't bring myself to answer and ease the tension. I had to focus on my breathing.

After a minute I figured my breathing was okay enough for me to speak. It still took me a minute to figure out what to say, but when I opened my mouth to speak a lump formed I my throat halting my words creating a barrier that I didn't try to hard to break down. I bit my lip at the hesitation. Another minute passed by, and the whole time I spent it convincing myself to speak. Finally I opened my mouth for a second time this time able to choke out a small. "H-hey.." my voice sounded quieter that i would have liked but I couldn't say I was surprised. I was most surprised that I actually spoke. Louis' eyes widened and he looked at me briefly before turning back to the  road. "Hey.. hey me? Fuck- I mean. Of course me. Who else?" He looked at me again but both our eyes widened in surprised when hearing an ear splitting car horn. Luckily he swerved out of the way before getting back in his previous spot. We both sighed in relief. " Oops" I bit my lip looking at him through my fallen curls. My heart beat quickly but not too out of hand as I waited for his response. He smiled answering quickly. " Hi. "

We didn't talk much after that, besides me telling him my address which he typed into the GPS.

Sighing softly I leaned my head against the window closing my eyes, breathing out my nose.

I jumped eyes opening wide at the sound of Louis talking. "Soo" he had said.

I looked at him with wide eyes putting my hand over my heart. "Shit.." I muttered to myself. " Didn't mean to scare you... Just wanted to break the silence." I nodded understanding but didn't say anything further.

" I have an idea" I could almost gear the smile in his voice. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, only to be proven right. I nodded my head telling him to continue. " We should play 21 questions." He suggested and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. That's so cliche. I thought.

In all my life I've never whitnessed anyone play 21 questions. Like ever. Except in cheesy films and books.

But I choose not to voice my thoughts. I usually don't so that's nothing new. I guess he took my silence as a yes cuz out if nowhere he asked my a question. " What's your favorite color?" He gave me a sideways goance briefly before turning back to the road.

I thought about it for a second debating on whether I should answer or not. Deciding socializing wasn't going to hurt anyone I attempted to answer, but stopped, cuz I was wrong. Socializing could hurt. Alot. I turned my head, feeling bad for both answering but couldn't find my voice to do otherwise.

He sighed softly but didn't say anything further.

A couple minutes later I looked out the window noticing we was on my street and I felt relieved. Cuz the car ride was just about getting really awkward. As we heard my house I surprised myself by muttering out a word.
" Blue.."

It was silent until his familiar voice spoke up.

" Hmm. Green"


Soo.... Thoughts on this chapter? It's really boring I know but it'll lead to something great. Promise.

I kinda didn't like it it was short right? Idk.

It's 1:03 am so I'm pretty tired. Plus I have school tomorrow.
Anyway. Hope you liked it.
I really hate this chapter but...
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