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My p.o.v.

Harry stood there.  Two equally shocked eyes stared back at him.

Harry was utterly shocked. Instead of the short messy hair Louis once rocked, it was light brown, sporting the long but short due. It was kinda layered, reminding him slightly of feathers.

Thick eyelashes framed his pale eyes. Instead of the pale skin the younger version of him had his skin was tanned.  He had thin lips that slowly but surely pulled up to reveal a smirk.

Louis blue eyes raked down Harry's body. He had already been informed that harry attended the school by his cousin Liam who also went to school with them, so wasn't so much surprised that he saw the boy again. But more because of the boys glo up.

Chocolate colored curls replaced his previous uneven cropped straight hair. His curls went to just below his ears, and fell almost perfectly over his eyes- which were a bright green - that definitely popped out compared to his pale skin. 

He had an adorable face, but it could also fall into the handsome category.

His cheeks was tinted a Rosey pink, and his plump lips their usual red color.

This was definitely not how the boys remembered each other.

Harry watched as the boy raked his frame, shuffling his feet uncomfortablely. Niall cleared his throat in hopes of gaining the twos' attention.
He was successful.

Pretending he and harry hadn't been staring at Louis, he faked like he just realized his presence.

"Louis? Louis Tomlinson. Is that you!?" He wasn't fooling a soul.

Harry's eyes widened for what felt like the hundreth time today.

" Niall..." But it was too late. The Irish lad had already started to walk towards a amused Louis, pulling harry by his waist with him.

" Didn't even see you there mate. 'member me? Niall Horan. Most people called me the Irish devil. We used to go to junior high together." Niall said with wide anticipated eyes. The smaller lad scoffed blushing when Louis glanced down at him.

He heard a slightly high pitched chuckle. " Oh how could I forget you, nice to see you again mate" Louie spoke, but his gaze stayed on Harry's bundle of dark curls.

He furrowed his eyebrows watching Harry's... Shy act.  Harry gulped at the familiar voice, hoping he didn't say anything. Just ignored him completely but ofc he didn't.

"Hello Harold"
The boy felt a now familiar heat rush to his face, and that oh so familiar annoyance he was used to feeling all those years ago when he used to taunt him with that name. But this time it was different...  he couldn't make out why. Almost like Louis just said it out of expectations. Probably cuz that's what he is used to.

Louis waited for harry to reply the way he always did in junior high.  "Shut up lewis. My mother named me harry so I expect you to call me that also" He was surprise when all harry did was peak up at the blue eyed boys' smirk.

Harrys throat felt dry and he tried to come up with something cocky to say so things didn't seem different but no words left his mouth. Niall chuckled awkwardly seeing Louis confused expression.

" Yea he doesn't talk muc-"  he started but rolled his eyes as the first bell rung loudly signaling homeroom.

"Saved by the Bell."

Harrys p.o.v.

  My next class after homeroom was geometry. I sighed dreading the next 50 minutes of the day. I ran a hand through my curls, pushing them out my eyes.

I pulled my lip between my teeth tugging harshly on the skin. I hate this class, the teacher is mean and I never get a thing he said.

I made sweater paws with my sleeves, playing with the Hem of my sweater with my free hand. A nervous habit of mine.

Im a little late cus I left my geo. Book in my locker.

My locker can't give me a pass so I walk in with my shoulders up trying to hide or make myself smaller, pathetically.

" Nice of you to finally join us." Mr. Davis spoke sarcastically, dropping his white board marker crossing his arms over his broad chest.

I inhaled deeply cheeks warm with embarrassment. No one liked to be called out in front of the class.

" You got a pass?" I unoccupied my hands so that I could interlock my fingers, my nails digging into my hand.

"N-n ahem." I coughed nervously before continuing.

"N-no..." I said barely over a whisper.

" So what are you doing in my class room? After second bell you are to get a pass or don't bother walking in. You know the bloody rules styles." I flinched at his loud voice clenching and unclenching my trembling fist.

My breaths were uneven as I searched for a response. Any response.

" E-erm.. I was- I had to go to my locker." I said quietly, wanting only for him to continue teaching so I could be able to sit down.

  " It's April, you should know the expectations. Go sit down..You have two detentions. One for being late and one for talking back" he said loudly pointing to the only desk open. Without hesitation I shuffled to the seat sitting down carefully.

I bit my lip looking up, tilting my head to the ceiling  and clutching my hand into a fist in an attemp to stop the tears.

It was humiliating to be yelled at in front of everybody.

I felt like everyone's eyes were still on me. Judging. Even though they probably wasn't.

I sniffed quietly putting my chin in my hand sighing in defeat. Today would no doubt be horrid.

I went to put my head down on the desk to calm my breathing which had risen with my anxiety, when I caught Louis eyes from across the room.

I assumed of course that he'd be laughing, getting ready to say some stupid snarky comment.

But instead his eyebrows were drawn, lips pursed. He looked to be in deep thought.

I wished he would think without staring at me. It made me extremely uneasy.

Finally after forever he mouthed an 'are you okay?' Expression one of worry.

I didnt reply right away, shocked. But eventually I nodded before putting my head down, exhausted.

Second chapter!
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