Cold - Waycest

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Gerard Way x Mikey Way, My Chemical Romance

WARNING: SLIGHT ANGST, depressing thoughts mostly

PoV: Mikey

"What the fuck are you doing out here?! It's fucking freezing!"

Gerard screamed at me. It was winter. It was snowing. It was cold as fuck. I was sitting on the top of our roof, staring up into the night sky. I kept silent, not wanting to say a thing. I wouldn't know what to answer anyways. 'Well, you know, I've just been wondering what the hell is so wrong about loving you' doesn't sound about right, besides a simple 'Oh, just wondering if it would better if I'd love my big bro or die' would be a lot more honest.


I moved my gaze from the bright shining moon to a lantern on the road beneath me. How long would I fall? It doesn't matter, I won't jump anyways, I'm too scared to actually do it. Wow. I can't even die, but loving my brother is one of the best things I can. Slowly, my eyes wonder sideways, to Gerhard's slippers, up his legs, his boxers, further up to his shirt, over his red lips, his nose, finally meeting his eyes.

"Just... Thinking."

My voice was quiet, but steady, surprisingly sharp, ringing through the cold air. A snowflake fell on my nose, melting immediately. It was cold. Fuck, like, really damn cold. But I couldn't care less. Gerard looked at me, shocked, surprised and finally, confused. "Thinking?" his voice sounded like he couldn't believe what he just heard. "THINKING?!" He screamed again.

"Mikey god damn fucking Way it is four in tHE FUCKING MORNING GET YOUR DAMN ASS INSIDE RIGHT KNOW." I simply shook my head and looked away from Gerard. Did I ever mention that Gerard is like really pretty? No? Well, now you know. His skin is just perfect, pale and shiny. Like the snow. I love snow, probably as much as Gerard.

I heard Gerard scream some more, but ignored it. I just didn't want to hear what he had to say. That I would die if I was out here for too long, so what if I would? Suddenly I was pulled up of the ground and swung around my brothers shoulder. "You're getting inside with me. Now." I heard Gerard demand.

I sighed and mumbled "I guess." Gerard dragged me inside and, to my surprise, in his bedroom. "Let's get you warm." He muttered, setting me down in his bed and walking to his closet. He pulled out a flannel and tossed it to me. "Put it on." another demand. I put it over my bare chest. It was surprisingly warm. Then again, I was so cold, everything felt too warm for me. Gerard walked over to me and pushed me so I was laying down.

He lay himself next to me, grabbing the Blanket that had fell to the ground and pulling it over us. Gerard faced me and wrapped his arms around me, resting his head on my chest, effectively warming me. "Thinking, huh? About what?" and that simple question send me to a miss of words. I thought for a wile, not sure how to put this into the right words. 'I was thinking about how much I love you' no, I can't say that. But I can't lie either.

I decided to just not say a word. Instead, I looked down at Gerard, who looked up at me. In a matter of seconds, my head moved forward, my lips crushing on his, kissing Gerard wildly. Gerard was surprised. After a few seconds, I felt him kiss back lightly and pulled away. "I-... Sorry." I said, looking away. "You know how fucking wrong that was?" I nodded. "But you don't have any idea how good it felt." I said back.

Gerard sighed. "I certainly do, Mikey." I looked at my brother. "Because, believe it or not, I love you." I just looked at Gerard, not saying a thing. Not moving, not even thinking really. He loved me. Gerard loved me. Like, actual love. I wanted to scream out my love for him, I wanted to grab him, kiss him, make him mine. But I couldn't. I simply couldn't move. Not one inch. "So you... Do you love me too, Mikey?" I opened my mouth, but no words rang out. Come on Mikey, it's not that hard, is it?

But no, I stayed silent.

Gerard sighed and let go of me. "I knew it." he mumbled and turned away. I felt cold. Alone. It hurt. Even tho it was my fault, it hurt so bad. The room was dark, but I could still see Gerard's disappointed face. I made him upset. Fuck. I turned my head to the side. I was scared. I didn't know what to say. My mind started to work again, all thoughts rushing in at once, it was too much for me.

I can't say this in my own words. But maybe, in someone else's...?

My mind was searching, working quickly, rushing through quotes and lyrics. Then, my mind settled on something. Something perfect. I felt my body move by itself, my arms slowly sneaking around Gerard's waist, pulling him close to me. The warmth made me take a breath in. "Mikey, please." I opened my mouth. I heard the words before I even knew it. "I wanna scream 'I love you' from the top of my lungs." I whispered. A single tear rolled down my cheek. "But I'm afraid someone else will hear me."

Gerard gasped. "I don't know what to say, Gee." I pulled him close. "I don't want to say something I'll regret." I spoke, just above a whisper. "But I... I love you. Even if it's weird." Gerard turned around in my arms. "Oh god Mikey." he was smiling, softly, crying too. He placed one Hand in my jaw, lightly pulling me down to him, slowly, while looking into my eyes. Our eyes closed, at the same time, our lips touched not short after. One of my hands reached up to stroke Gerard's hair, Gerard's own hands were now draped around my neck.

We kissed, slow, lovely, meaningful. And in that Moment, for the first time in my life, I let my mind shut down completely. I focused only on Gerard, on our kiss, to make it last forever. To keep this feeling in my heart, to capture his love and lock it away in my soul, for me to forever remember. I blocked out the world. I didn't care about anything but Gerard.

And in that moment, he wasn't my brother.
He was my lover.
My soulmate.

Word Count: 1120
Hey! So... I hope you like this one. Please don't judge me for writing waycest, I just had this idea and thought it was cute so I wrote it down.

I know I'm not good at writing, I am so sorry.

Well, I hope you want to read more anyways, so... Read you soon, Lupo.

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