Chapter 39: It's The End Of The World As We Know It

Start from the beginning

"Oh," Danneel laughs, "Did you just admit-"

"I thought I told you you stay safe," Draco says disapprovingly.

"I couldn't stand idly by."

Draco sighs and smiles, "I know."

Soon people are pouring into the courtyard and Danneel gives Draco a concerned look. She interlocks their hands and they follow the crowd to the front of the school. There they are met with death eaters and the Dark Lord himself. Hagrid is over there too in chains carrying something.

Danneel hears Ginny ask Neville who Hargird is crying and burst into tears when she hears that it is Harry and Danneel's heart drops.

Voldemort starts to say something but Danneel goes numb when she notices her parents aren't on the other side. They're not anywhere. A hand on her shoulder startles her but is relieved when she sees Blaise, Zara, and Daphne standing behind her looking battle-worn. Danneel lets out a happy sigh and hugs them just as a voice calls.

"Draco come!"

Danneel turns back around too see a haggard-looking Lucius begging for his son to come back. She grips Draco's hand as he stayed rooted to his side.

Voldemort sneers and asks if anyone else was so inclined to switch to his side.

"I'd like to say something. Doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die every day— Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with here. So is Fred, Remus, Tonks...all of them. They didn't die in vain! But you will! Cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us! It's not over!"

Suddenly Harry springs alive and drop rolls from Hargird's arms. Someone throws a wand at Harry and the battle continues to rage on.


The war is over and good has prevailed. Harry defeated Voldemort after Neville killed his snake. Danneel helped as much as she good in tending to the wounded but Draco pulled her away to allow her to rest.

"But Draco-"

"No! You've been overworking yourself. Just sit and relax."

"Draco?" Danneel asks leaning back on him.


"Where were my parents? And your mother? I didn't see them."

"When things got bad," Draco sighs, "My mother moved in with your parents. They were never involved Danneel. They locked themselves in and essentially went into hiding."

"But they're okay?"


"That's a relief. When they get tried because I know they will. At least they'll be safe," Danneel smiles but then frowns, "Wait what about you? I know you're good but-"

"I think I'll be okay."

"Why?" Danneel asks.

"Let's not think about it now," Draco says kissing her forehead.

"There you are," Cass smiles with Daphne, Zara, and Blaise behind her.

"Hey Cass," Danneel says.

"There's someone I want to introduce you too," Cass says and fidgets with her fingers.

Draco looks around to his friends and sends them questioning looks, "What's going on?"

"Just listen to her mate," Blaise says.

"And try not to overreact," Daphne adds.

Cass smiles before walking a little ways away and latching on to Fred's arm, who's talking to one of his brothers. He notices Cass and smiles down at her. She tells him something and they make their way over.

"What's happening?" Draco asks as they come closer.

"Just breathe," Zara says.

"Listen to her," Danneel says squeezing his hand, "He makes her happy."


"Draco," Cass says, "I want you to meet my boyfriend, Fred Weasly."

"Boyfr-" Draco is cut off my Danneel's glare, "I mean congrats? When? How? What?"

Cass sighs and smiles, "I've liked him since the yule ball but we only got together around 5th year. We met in detention. He makes me happy Draco."

"I really love her mate," Fred adds.

Draco sets shocked but Danneel nudges him and he looks up at his cousin who's beaming up at Fred and he at her. Draco swallows, "I'm happy for you. If he makes you happy and treats you right that's all I can ask."

"Thank you," Fred smiles and holds out his hand.

"Take care of her," Draco adds and shakes his hand.

The Dragon Tamer: A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now