Chapter 1 page 3

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AN:Thank you very much for the reads, credits to the owner of the gif/pic and i hope you Enjoy~

The days went by fast.A whole week finally passed by and the humans walked all over the streets.Little kids with their parents, happy couples and lonely teens, like you.

"Eto?"You asked loudly only to get a laugh in return.Your sister was writing a paragraph in her new book, so she didn't give you a lot of attention.

"Eto?"You walked next to her and sat on the floor.You were very familiar with the place, because you were both in Aogiri.

"Oh, yes (Y/N)?Can i help you with something?"Your sister smiled softly at you and turned her body to face your back.

She pushed her fingers in your hair and played for some time before you told her.

"I want to go somewhere.Do you mind if i do?"You asked and she chuckled.

"As long as you're safe, i don't have a problem.Go on."She helped you up and you exited the building.

You sprinted until you were far away from your "home".The place around was white and the trees were covered in thick layers of snow.

What caught your eye, was a young boy with shoulder length dark blue hair.He was wearing a white shirt and black pants.You were slightly curious.Wasn't he cold in this weather?

Your feet took you nearly two metres away from him and he turned his head to you.His captivating, cold grey eyes looked into your warm ones.

"Aren't you cold?"That was the first thing that escaped your mouth and you quickly covered it with your hands.

"A bit, aren't you?"His silky voice made you shiver and it wasn't the cold's fault.

"I'm fine.Why are you here?There are ghouls around.They could kill you, you know."

"I don't have a problem with that.What about you?Aren't you scared?"His face stayed emotionless.'Don't you have feelings?'You thought but you didn't say anything.

"No."You said and you two remaind silent and waited for the sky to get darker.

AN:Thank you once again for reading!!!Have a nice day/night and please take care~ 

Even in Death~Arima Kishou x reader storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt