After spotting a particular brunette in the room, Arabella's heart stops beating in its chest. Her doe brown eyes are too busy scanning a book to notice Arabella and Damon on the other side of the room.

Immediately, Arabella takes a step back and prepares to flee, only to be stopped by Damon with his rock solid grip. "Damon, if you don't let me go she'll kill me," Arabella pleads with him.

Damon shakes his head. "That isn't Katherine," he states calmly. "She's a long story."

Arabella stares at Damon as though he has grown a second head. "That's Elena Gilbert, a descendant of Katherine's. We don't know why she looks exactly like her yet," he continues. "Come on, I'll prove it to you."

He practically drags his sister to the table where 'Elena' is sitting. "So, this is where you go when you're not betraying people," Damon states as he sits down.

Elena stares Damon down. "I didn't betray you," she states. "I just used you to get the truth from you. I used your tactics."

Elena's eyes move to Arabella and scans her from head to toe in confusion, causing Arabella to flinch. "Who's this?" She asks Damon curiously. "Some poor girl that you compelled to be your girlfriend?"

Arabella blinks a few times at the implication. Her brother uses his compulsion to force himself onto women?

"No," Damon states. "This is my baby sister, Arabella. She's here because I wanted her to tag along with me to run a few errands and we saw you. She thought you were Katherine, who she is terrified of, and I wanted to prove her wrong."

The vampire said all of this with a charming smile, one that might disarm most girls. Elena seems to be no fool.

"You and Stefan have a sister?" She asks. She brings her gaze back to Arabella in surprise. "How have I never heard about you?"

Arabella swallows. Her nerves seem to want to slowly dissolve, so it may take a while for her to be able to actually look the girl in the eye for long periods of time. "They thought I was dead," she responds. "How does one talk about a dead relative without reliving the past?"

Elena stares at her intensely before bringing her gaze back to Damon. "You remember that we're not friends anymore, right?" She asks him. "I made myself clear."

The anger in her tone makes Arabella curious about what happened between them. What could Damon have possibly done to anger this girl so much? Steal? Lie? The possibilities are endless.

"Right," he responds. He stands and begins to walk away, which Arabella takes as the cue to get out of there. "See you at the barbecue."

The doppelgänger's eyebrows furrow in confusion as she debates calling after Damon. The fact that Damon decided to mention that could mean that he is trying to trick her.

"How did you know about Jenna's barbecue?" She calls after him after a second.

Damon turns with a smile. "I was the one who suggested it to Alaric."

Arabella watches as the pair converse, noting the fact that they have a strange and awkward relationship between them. Whatever either one of them feel for the other, something is in the way that prevents them from getting together. And Arabella has a strong feeling that she knows exactly what that something is.

"You're not really Jenna's biggest fan at the moment," Elena tells him with raised eyebrows.

Damon pulls out the box of food that he and Arabella came here for in the first place. The square white box holds some pie inside, which supposedly is the key to gaining anyone's trust. "That's why I'm bringing this."

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