Chapter 1: Walls

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       I sit, and I stare. I stare at the walls painted white. They are straight, yet can hold a whole house. They can have so much life, so much meaning. I sit, and I think. I cannot hurt you again. I cannot betray you again. I try and try and try to make it better. To make you forget about the present and think about the future... the past. Sometimes I talk about us. The old us. All the memories from when we were so close, and I smile. I think it makes you happy too, forgetting reality for a while.

     I do not regret it, though. I do not regret saying what I did. You don't need the stress of another person on top of the tension already running through your veins.  But I am sorry. I am sorry for not being there all the time. I am sorry for not knowing what to say sometimes.
Most importantly, I am so sorry for ever breaking your heart.... and I know I said I am sad, and you accepted my apology. I know you say you forgive me, but I don't forgive myself. I could be there more. I could help more. I can hold your hand when you need me most. I can be your friend...your best friend... If only you would realize that I still care, I always will, and I always have.

     As I sit and stare, I realize you, and I used to be like those white walls. Our love is strong enough to hold a whole house. We did not appreciate each others walls that often, though. We did not take time to say thank you, or I love you... But because these walls are there, it can hold an entire house. Yet we failed.

     Maybe if I continue to reach out every day, then you will realize. I still care. That I am sorry that love does not stop; I can be that best friend I once was. Just let me in. We can be those walls. Let our house stand again. Instead of fall before us.

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